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Everything posted by chillipadi

  1. You are looking at a Brand New Jebo protein skimmer for marine aquarium, selling at SGD80! This in-tank skimmer unit works well with 1800 or 2000 l/h powerhead. There is a built in spiral fin to break up bubbles. Input is built with a small injection hole to produce fine bubbles that carries unwanted particles that cause No3 to shoot up. This pump is never used and brand new. It is value for money. You can contact me at 92373435 for fast deal or write to wkohpeter@pacific.net.sg
  2. What is the name of this coral? I would like to know how to feed and maintain it! Ours seems to change colour and size!
  3. Thanks for your advise. My husband is aware of the deficiency of using sea water, some missing minerals etc. The sea water is usually collected when he is on a fishing trip on boat. The usual topping of water, we will using RO water. I have also made a mistake, for the marine tank, he is using neither bioballs nor canister filter. Right now, he had more or less reduced the level of NO3.
  4. Both my husband and I are fascinated by "mushroom" and "leather" . We would like to find out from the expert here how to keep them healthy and strong. What will be appropriate calcium and magnesium level? What will be good temperature of the water (taking into consideration we do not have any chilller, the current temperature is about 25-27 degree celcius)? What do you use to feed them? Also, we had some problem with hair algae. Tried keeping algae blenny, but that fellow only "kiss" the glass, not eating the hair algae, and starve to death. Also had 2 tang before, 1 powder blue and 1 clown tank, eating but din survice! Now we only have these fishes and shrimps left in the tank 1) 1 chromis 2) 2-3 whrasses 3) 1 tomota clown 4) 2 cardinals 5) 1 boxer shrimp 6) 2 cleaner shrimps
  5. Thanks everyone.... my husband had found out that our protein skimmer was faulty, that could be the cause of the high NO3. Nevertheless he had changed to a new skimmer and we had also changed the water with some sea water he collected.
  6. We are using bio-balls, temperature maintained at about 27degree celcius. This is what we have in our tank,
  7. Help....! We just did a test last night, realised that the NO3 is very high, dark red on the indicator, NO2 is 0 and the rest are within control! Anyone knows whether is it ok? Our corals seem to be under some kind of stress!
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