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Everything posted by ReefAddict

  1. 1) Reserved 2) DD Rail (2ft) for hydra26 with Hanging Kit $80 3) Hydra52 (black) & Ai Director $450 4) Sold 5) Maxspect r420r 120/130w with wide angle lens upgrade $250 6) Sold 7) Beamswork Clip hang-on for Nano Aquarium (slight rust on arm) $15
  2. Forgotten to include for 4) that it is gen 1 or gen 2, not quite sure. had it for some time. Hence the low price of $200 only. If no taker, gonna use it for refugium light
  3. Morning! Selling the used led below ~ 1) Hydra26HD (black) $400 2) DD Rail (2ft) for hydra26 $80 3) Hydra52 (black) & Ai Director $500 4) Ecotech Radion XR30w $200 5) Maxspect r420r 120/130w with wide angle lens upgrade $250 6) CherryAqua iNANO $50 7) Beamswork Clip hang-on for Nano Aquarium (slight rust on arm) $20 *No more warranty for these light *All in good working condition
  4. Looking for 1 with sump, not ios. Preferably 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 or 2 x 1.5 x 2 (as long breadth don’t exceed 2 ft is fine) L x B x H
  5. Forget to list pricing! Budget is $150 to $200!
  6. 422 is without a sump, from what i understand. so technically, marine 422 with sump alr fail
  7. 422 is without a sump, from what i understand. so technically, marine 422 with sump alr fail
  8. Forgotten to include, used set are fine!
  9. Immediate eradication is the best, and fastest
  10. Immediate eradication is the best, and fastest
  11. Did you add a bio pellet reactor then u see this? i added mine and see lots of this pop up everywhere. haha
  12. yeah bristle worm are good fish food. let them munch on it
  13. Did you add a bio pellet reactor then u see this? i added mine and see lots of this pop up everywhere. haha
  14. yeah bristle worm are good fish food. let them munch on it
  15. too small cant see. best to dispose if unsure. instead of an infestation
  16. too small cant see. best to dispose if unsure. instead of an infestation
  17. The splashes will be sticky and your things might get rusty very fast
  18. The splashes will be sticky and your things might get rusty very fast
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