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Everything posted by B|uEc@rpEt

  1. Urmm...AT...tks heaps for the offer.... How about this...instead of giving it to me...why dun I trade some of my Pink acropora frags for spidey?
  2. Mine Kel...that bad huh? U sound so upset...cheerie up man!
  3. U r welcome! Thankfully when I bought mine the other time, there were no flatworms. My first encounter wif flatworms was when I bought my Torch coral. Gross.
  4. Yucks! HQ...I can feel them creeping up my skin now man!
  5. Yup...Heard that from her b4 too....and also about the fact that she was some top-notch accountant and her Morgan Stanley connections. I take back all I've sd...Help!
  6. U dun need a forklift....juz get Alice to carry it for u...she looks strong Okok...sorrie 4 being mE@n
  7. True robe.... But I cun help but to smile when thinking about a 1cm....urmm
  8. Some algae can been seen growing over it.
  9. I think Tanzy is indeed deserving of the turtle title...he is quite wise wif rgds to this hobby.
  10. Hi Sten & Morgan!!! R u guys pulling my leg or wat...I bursted out luffing when I sense the seriousness in Morgan... Of cos I was KiDDin! Juz picture ya 8 feet tank full of 1 cm frags!!!!
  11. Hi CT... I went there by car. Barracuda is rite....the $0.50 charged was stated on the glass door. AT, yup...its the one wif the cute billy goats, fowls, organic veg, FW fishes and a couple of pe shops selling dogs. Nice idea Limpc
  12. Hi CK Peh... The fact that u have to scoop up remaining food shows that u r overfeeding. For 5 fishes, I think u can try 3/4 of a cube. If u r afraid they will go hungry (which I very much doubt) then u can feed half a cube twice a day. Depending on the fish species, a good deal of fishes look for food around the tank all the time.
  13. Of cos not! At $10...we'd be taking home a cm
  14. Very beautiful lion-fishes u all got there.... AT...yours is the coolest....cos it shares the same name as me! Now give me ya real name & I m gonna name my skunk shrimp after u!! Juz kiDDin
  15. Oops...sorrie AT. Yup its Sea Horse. EEeeks...I keep shrugging whenever I see the blue water spider in this thread.
  16. Yup Tanzy... Wun be surprised...the poor anemone...one of the worst anemone to be man!
  17. Looking at their tank I think its worse now. CB...yup they do charge $0.50 now....the first time I went it was free. Maybe its me?
  18. Yup.... Chillers r not a necessary must for roti-s. Of coz make sure ya temp is not like above 30 degrees... Roti loosing colour is most prob due to the fluctuation of the temp.
  19. Wow so many people....hehehehee....now...now...who sd corals r expensive?? If we get more people....we may juz end up paying $10 per frag of the beautiful purple monti
  20. Hi HQ, ReefWorld usually brings in quite a lot of candy canes...I think quite cheap also.....and the price is universal (big or small = same price). But these few days I think mostly n soft corals....call them first loh...so u wun make a wasted trip down
  21. Hi CB, Make sure no boisterous mates ard. I used to have a boxfish n cowfish in my SH tank quite a long time ago. My box fish died (not too sure why) while I freed my cow fish. Its true that they do release toxins when stressed but I have not witnessed my SHs or gobies being affected by it when ever I do a water change/ rock re-arrangement (assuming this will stress the BF). And oh...dun buy too small a BF. Had seen PacMarine selling BFs that are the same length as Tic Tac sweets. Wun last long...
  22. Tks Norvin...yup...i've done that before to my tangs... But was wondering if i could skip this step n juz intro my new hawk in...(dun think F.hawks r as territorial as yellow tangs).....hopefully they will be a pair.... Hmmm....
  23. Hi SH! Mine is the brownish one...actually I find yours quite pretty wif its blue legs. Yup...they r definitely not as irritating as the pesty ones that sometimes make ya corals shift or drop... Pompoms r one of the cutest crabs ard...actually I m hoping to get my hands on a decorator or a staghorn hermit. Cun seem to find them. <_<
  24. I used to have a water spider in my SH tank too...the brown type not the scary blue one!!! Gave me a big shock when I first saw it (was secretly hoping it was an arrow crab)....caught it out n flush it down my toilet bowl. Not a big fan of spiders...
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