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Everything posted by eZion

  1. Like that very risky. If in the middle of the night the stand give way, I will be big trouble.
  2. So if the corrosion does affect the metal things around the tank, what kind of stands would be suitable if I want to do a marine setup?
  3. There was this guy who told me that his neighbours staying below him called in the HDB officers one day when their pipes corroded. When the officers did an investigation, they found that the problem came from the saltwater from this guy's saltwater tanks in his apartment and because he was having about 5 tanks at that time, he was given a fine and was required to remove most of his tanks due to weight over loading. Is it true that doing water change frequently by a disposing of the saltwater will cause corrosions in the toliet pipes of our HDB flats. Does the saltwater cause corrosion to the furnitures or etc in your own house as well? Am hoping to convert from freshwater to saltwater soon but this is one major area of concern for me.
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome and the sound advice. Currently a few of my cichlid pairs are in heat and ready to spawn so I foresee my that most of my tanks will be fully occupied for the next two months or so. Nevertheless, I would still like to give marine tanks a shot. I am always so impressed with some of those beautiful setups. Hope to catch you guys soon.
  5. Hi everyone, I am new here. Currently, I have 7 freshwater tanks at home with fishes ranging from apistos to cichlids. Thinking of starting up a marine tank but heard that a lot of salt deposits would form on the floor around the saltwater tanks and the surroundings...which would corrode my tiles and furnitures So, still considering my options But nevertheless, I would ask for all of your pro. advice if I decided to embark on this new journey. Hope to know more friends from this forum too
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