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Posts posted by shangxiangg

  1. On 12/29/2020 at 5:30 PM, Willy Guccivera Yap said:

    Starting a tank thread here to record all my progress and for sharing.

    *Feel free to comment any good or bad things 

    *Will encourage the rest to make a tank thread to share the hobbies

    I've actually wrote an article regarding why I choose to build a custom tank. Link Below!


    Tank Spec & Equipment

    Tank Size: 4 x 2 x 2 inches  (Not exact 2ft) Peninsula tank.

    Overflow: Bean Animal w valve control (One return, One overflow, One Emergency)

    Return Pump: Skimz QuietPro 12.0

    Skimmer: Bubble Magnus C9

    Wave Maker: Gyre XF350 

    Lights: Maxspec R420R and 2x Aquazonic Lightset with 2 tube EA using ATI Tube. 

    Calcium Reactor:  Skimz CM122

    Chiller: Hailea HK -300A

    Biopellet: Reef Octopus BR110

    Not sure if I miss out anything.  


    So here is the final product on 29/12/20.

    If you haven't read the article why I decide to go custom and peninsula. I will just summarize here!


    When I choose my resale flat, there's not much space for me to build my tank. I always want a 3 view tank therefore I decide to make a small partition along my walkway.

    So I engage with Aquarium Artist to follow the ideal design I have in mind and here is the outcome!


    Many will sure have question like will your living room be hot? Will your chiller make your sump hot? I will answer the question here.

    As a Marine enthusiast, I will want my fish to be happier than me. I bought the brand new model of this hailea Chiller. 

    It is not as noisy as the old model, and the hot air that come out of it is not really hot at all.

    As for my door, I've build ventilation for the air to escape.


    As for my sump design, I build a frag tank over it. There's wooden support from the sump and the chiller to make sure the tank won't go slanted.

    I won't advise anyone to do the same but I wish to experience on it so I requested it to build this way.


    Please ignore the wiring, Old picture.

    If you really wish to follow what I have build, do a monthly preventive maintenance checking if there's any dent on your chiller, any crack on your sump and any leak from your PVC.

    For all the output of the flow, I only use one return pump. Yes for everyone reading this to take note, always have a spare pump at home.

    If you often travel, get two return pump instead of one incase the failure of one pump cause the death of all your babies.

    For me I've connected all the input of my equipment with one return pump. But I've a spare pump in my store room ready anytime!


    So after setting up all the equipment and etc, this is the rockscape that I came out with.


    I need to warn everyone that always EPOXY your rock. I have countless time that my rock fall because of my hand sticking in to glue more stuff. If I have a chance 

    to go back time I will use EPOXY when it is dry.

    General FAQ.

    How long do I cycle the tank?

    2 Weeks

    What Bacteria did I dose?

    Microlift Nite Out and Special Blend.

    What is your weekly maintenance schedule like?

    On Monday I will change to a new filterwool, pour the skimmer cup, Dose 30ML of Special Blend, dose 5 ML Phos Out.

    On Wednesday I will pour the skimmer cup, change the filterwool and on UV light till Friday midnight, dose 5 ML Phos Out.

    On Saturday I will dose 90ML of Special Blend, Dose 5ML Phos Out, Wash my skimmer cup, Dose Redsea AB+, Parameter Test, change filterwool.

    On Monthly, check if there's any leakage on my PVC, check if there's any salt creep on the equipment (Lights, skimmer etc), Check if all the plugs are fully into the power socket, check if there's any crack or dent on the whole system, check if the wavemaker/return pump dirty or anything stuck near the propeller. I call this preventive measurement.

    I find out that I actually love to have more fish than corals, therefore I've decide to change from a sps tank to a soft coral lps tank as they do better in a higher nutrient setting.

    Right now this is my parameter of my tank.

    • Ca 450.
    • PO4 0.02
    • NO3 20
    • KH 8
    • PH 8.2
    • Mag 1350
    • Salinity 1.026
    • Temp 26c


    Oh yes, because you question why I choose to have schooling tangs, I've plan to build a tank that take up the whole wall in a very near future after M.O.P. So I want to grow them since they are young. DO NOT FOLLOW unless your WIFE or PARENTS allow you do have a big tank in future. I REPEAT DO NOT FOLLOW.

    Reefing is also about Commitment, starting from how often you willing to change your filterwool and how often you willing to test your water.

    To keep a successful reef tank, you need to be committed.

    I love to take macro-shots of my corals, do visit my instagram https://www.instagram.com/floratiaracoral/


    Yes I repeat, I encourage everyone to share their babies and tank! If you want to try something new like me, surely people will make comments but they just want you to know what you are doing (I'm guilty for it HAHA). But If your tank turn out to be successful and for yourself to enjoy, why not. Just don't harm this babies we loveeeeeeeeeeee. They don't choose to be in your tank. Do your research and prepare for plan B. 

    Years of reefing, I must say a CHILLER is a Must. I used to stick by as a person that use FAN only for a 5ft Tank. After I use Chiller, the corals grow faster and healthier. REALLY.

    So....... Enjoy my thread. Comment anything down below. 

    If you want to learn how to take good photo of your marine tank. Click below.









    amazing! :)

  2. On 1/2/2021 at 11:11 AM, VodkaCruiser said:

    Any closer shots ?

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    14 hours ago, another forumuperSun said:

    Yup. I think is reverse hammer too. 


    On 1/2/2021 at 12:03 PM, Nicholas Wong said:

    Oh no, i think its a reverse hammer. Apologies for many posts :x

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    On 1/2/2021 at 12:01 PM, Nicholas Wong said:

    Not an expert, but should be a purple tip bicolour hammer.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    On 1/2/2021 at 12:00 PM, Nicholas Wong said:

    Not an expert, but should be a purple tip bicolour hammer.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    thanks all! :)

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