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Posts posted by veliferium

  1. Selling the below

    1. 4-stages DI unit from Taobao. Bought at $100, selling at $60.

    2. DD H2O 3 in 1 kH/Calcium/Magnesium Test-kit. Half-used. Selling at $40.

    3. 4" x 8" PP filter sock. Selling at $3 or free with purchase of any of the above.

    Photos to follow.

    Self collect at Havelock Road near East Ocean LFS.

  2. Hi

    I am also a AI 26 user and I am still learning how to control the settings as well.

    I have taken reference from the AI thread in RC.


    Basically something like this

    Royal blue & deep blue:
    1100 = 1%
    1200 = 48%
    1300 = 75%
    1500 = 90%
    1720 = 95%
    2000 = 90%
    2130 = 80%
    2250 = 5%
    2350 = 3%
    0130 = 1%

    1330 = 0%
    1500 = 30%
    1550 = 45%
    1800 = 55%
    2000 = 45%
    2100 = 30%
    2120 = 0%

    1330 = 0%
    1530 = 40%
    1730 = 50%
    2000 = 40%
    2100 = 0%

    Green & Red:
    1330 = 0%
    1530 = 30%
    1730 = 35%
    1930 = 30%
    2030 = 0%

    1050 = 0%
    1340 = 5%
    1620 = 15%
    1800 = 20%
    2000 = 10%
    2100 = 3%
    2300 = 0%

    I am following Zibba's controls on RC for my 2' 2' 1.5'. I have also tuned down the whites with a maximum of ~40

  3. Coral Farm has them from time to time. Fish Channel also brought some in the last time with their Carribean shipment.

    Probably due to their lower popularity as sand sifters and also the fact that they are prone to crawl out of the water column, that's why market demand for these snails are low

  4. Just to chime in from my past experience...

    My first marine tank was run on a OHF with 3 trickle trays,filter wool, bioballs and coral chips in the first/second/third tier respectively.

    That was way back in 2003 when I first started marine keeping with a 2.5ft second-hand tank. Stand was made of chipboard and it rotted whenever saltwater dripped on it.



    Back then, most reefers had sumps already and it was really the to go thing for marine tanks. However, I was contented with what I had then, being able to keep a few wrasse even a Burgess Butterfly and a Multicolour dwarf angel. Of course, the skimmer technology was half as good and I was using a skimmer meant for in-sump use but I managed to hang it at the back of the tank. Filtration was OHF and skimmer and I rarely did water changes, maybe once in 3 months. Corals weren't growing well at all, I couldn't even keep LPS let alone SPS and I was really envious of the other reefers around me who had beautiful tanks (standard of beautiful in 2003 cannot be compared to 2015)



    My fishes didn't die on me except for the occasional anthias and coralline wasn't blooming (now I regard it as a pest already) due to my lights, There was no space for fancy lightings and I rememebered the most fancy lightings back then were MH powermodules and DE Lighting Retrofits. Then again, I was a student and I could barely even afford for my salt mix back then. And all I had was envy for everyone else's tanks.

    Fast forward to now, I am a proud owner of a tankset with a proper sump and display, the initial costs can be high but for lesser headaches and inconveniences I think it is worth it.

  5. Green algae bloom on glass still hasn't gone away, hope it's just part of the cycling process.

    I've added a pair of helfrechi firefish and an onyx picasso percula - bought 2 from lck but one keeps attacking the other so I think I may have 2 females :( Feminus wrasse is slowly overcoming jet lag! Stayed up till 525pm today, from its initial 330pm bedtime.

    Here's an updated fts with some new colonies from AC:


    Looking good ! You managed to pair the helfrichi? Do share their progress !!
  6. Time and money is a limited resouce for most ppl ah. Maybe one day you will reach the age when u find that spending 4 hours on golf is much more interesting than on reef...

    Won't deny that. Its all up to an individual and how one prioritises things in their life.

    I have the chance to speak to many reefers, made many friends and seen some decom and even come back again, stronger than before.

    Personally, I have been keeping marine aquariums for many years with some break in between and starting from a simple fowlr juwel tank to my current setup from reef systems. I feel that the only limit in yourself and there are times when I get fed up when things just won't go my way but end of the day I decided to sit back and think of ways to solve the problem from the root, instead of buying snake oil solutions. I feel that there must be a certain understanding in the product you are buying before one can make conclusions about its effectiveness on their own setup.

    After all, its your own hobby and how successful you are is really how much you decide to put in. There is no hard and fast rule to things and things wouldn't change overnight.

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