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Posts posted by Dorado

  1. Bro, if you change to 3 X 250W lumenarch, you will have the same problem as me.. cos I'm also using the same chiller as yours. Running lumenarch reflectors will heat up the water real fast.

    BTW, what's the temp u set on yr chiller ? 26-28 :huh:

    Bro, I set it at 25-27 degree.

    What do you think, adjust to 26-28?

    I think, I will stick to my current mh fitting,

    already broke................. :(

    Maybe see what I get for year end bonus if any! <_<

    Then will upgrade to luminarc and chiller. :yeah:

  2. Fire up liao lar.... very bright lar.... my tank water also fire up liao... need to buy chiller liao.... pocket "pichar" liao lar..... oc tulan liao lar :cry2:

    MH still 4 sale at $300.................. ;)

    WIll wait for your post in your thread. When can we visit your place

    huh? Need to bring suntan lotion and sunglass. B)

    I never tell my OC how much all my equipment cost :lol:

    Always say it cheap or 2nd hand and always buy from

    fellow reefer. Even the new chiller, say 2nd hand. :ph34r:

    Upzzz for your sales bro. :angel:

  3. My SPS a bit stress after spending 5 hrs in the tub!!!! :(

    Some start to brown-up, hope it will recover as soon as it


    Now start to tune the flow as there still micro bubbles. :pinch:

    Last night spent 2 hrs tuning, looks fine this morning.(without

    lighting)Will check tonite. :erm:

    So far water condition is ok, No2, No3, Po4 and Amonia all undetectable.

    And will check the calcium and alkaline tonite.

    Below are the pix, it show the cloudiness cause by micro bubble

    and of cause the stress SPS. :(


  4. Bro paisay :off: a bit.....

    But are all cats furniture spoiler?... Trainable? Always wanted to keep cats but know too little abt them.

    Bro, not all cat the same, mine, only my local cat. :angry:

    But since i provide them sratch post. Problem solve. :P

  5. i luv 2.5ft wide tank ... can create that 3d effect with the LR :P


    hmm .. din know there's couple to cat luver here too ... :P

    my family currently had 2 young adults (norwegian and rag doll crossbreed)

    hmm ... bengal is a very nice cat :P seen some champion bengal on some japan

    site ... damn siew :eyebrow:

    hope to see ur cat ... errr ... ur tank 1 of this day :P

    jus to show-off my cats :paiseh::paiseh: (pics taken last year)

    Bro, your cat is pretty. :peace:

    What their name and ######?

    Will try to post my other cat pix when got

    chance to take new pix of them. :P

    Wow! My thread sound more like Pets.com than

    SRC. :lol:

  6. mine live till 17+yrs.

    Also died due to kidney failure caused by diabetes.

    Usually they have diabetes first and if not treat early then end up kidney failure. I had friends in the US who keep kitty up to 20+yrs but they go on diabetes tablets/jabs.

    Bro, I guess it the same as human need to go for insulin

    jab and dialysist.

    Maybe kidney foundation should open one for pets. :yeah:

    Then can earn more peanuts. :evil:

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