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Posts posted by tayhonglee

  1. hi guys,

    i just received a letter from the town council today saying that our block, and a few others, are going to be upgraded. however, the letter only mentioned doing a facelift for the area, and upgrading the lift so that it stops at every floor. nothing about adding a small utility room, or waterproofing the toilet.

    anyone knows whats the procedure like? will they add more options as they go along? let me know any and everything. im crossing my fingers and hoping that they will add a small room and stop the toilet above mine from leaking. there are little stalactites(?) forming on the pipes. and i really don't want to know where the source of salt is from.... :o

    thanks guys!


  2. thanks lobster, i think what you said made sense. i will reduce the air flow into my enaly, and see if it makes a difference.

    i suppose its safe to summarize what we discussed like this.

    maybe injecting lesser ozone, but for a longer period of time, to reach my target redox value will not affect skimmer performance. but large amounts of ozone for a short period of time to reach the target redox value might 'snuff' the skimmer. if that doesn't work, then maybe a high redox value is not condusive to skimming.

    kueytoc, you are quite right, what i spent on the controller and ozone can translate to lots of salt. but im a little lazy to perform enough water changes to maintain a high redox constantly :P

  3. uh oh.....that means my tank is severely overdosed with ozone. thats really good information huanjie. first time i have seen it. very informative and apt. :thanks: i don't mean to sound greedy, but are there any other information regarding ozone in that book?

    mine is a 16 gallon tank. according to scarabs calculation, my ozone output should be 8mg/hr. doh!:pinch: the enaly is rated at 200mg/hr.

    scarab, how accurate is that calculation?


  4. im not sure if reducing the redox is such a good idea, since my tank right now is quite stable. im more of the opinion that my tank is cleaner, hence less skimmate. the reason is because i have been testing the water quite frequently since using the ozone.

    the other reason could of course be that the ozone is breaking the 'bad stuff' into unskimmable 'bad stuff', in which case, my tank will be worse off. i can't even imagine what the unskimmable bad stuff are called, much less test for their presence.

  5. actually, the same thing happened to me. lots of skimmate the first few days, then almost nothing. after i started to skim very wet, i had lots of sugar cane juice (to paraphrase the memorable words of jefnbl). in fact, the only time i can see bubbles breaking all the way to the tip of collection cup is right after feeding. not sure why also, or whether its a good sign or not.

    my 1.5 cube now has 6 chromis, 1 large mandarin, 1 tiny regal tang, 1 yellow wrasse, 2 firefish, 4 skunk cleaners, 1 fire shrimp, 1 red linkia, 1 sand shifter, and 4 cerith snails (snails are expensive man). i feed twice a day, mixture of homemade food, brine shrimp and flakes. water parameters are still quite good. can't detect any ammonia, nitrite or nitrates. i dose kalk twice a week, so calcium is about 400++ (a little low, but don't think its due to ozone). no phosphate test kit yet, so can't tell what phosphate levels are. however, there aren't any diatoms or algae at all. sad to say, i haven't change any water yet. will do it tomorrow... :heh:

    i keep the controller set at 390mv. it jumps to about 400mv at night, and drops to about 360mv after i feed. takes about 5 minutes to bring it up again. also, i use desiccants to dry the air first. but i can't tell if it helps or not.


  6. Henry do they have warranty? if not it is ok, just asking

    bro, im quite sure they have warranty.  theres a piece of paper/warranty card that came with our enaly right?  thats the one.  anyway, heres what i saw in their website. 

    Our warranty

    During the one (1) year from the date of your purchase, if our products fail to operate functionally, we will repair or replace them for our customers. Components damaged by any use of the product other than for its intended function, or by the owner's failure to maintain the unit in the correct manner and frequency prescribed by the instructions supplied at the time of purchase, will void this coverage.


    The option to repair or replace will be the exclusive decision of Enaly Trade. Repair or replacement costs associated with any invalid warranty claims will be based on Enaly Trade retail prices at the time of the work performed. You will be notified if Enaly Trade determines that misuse will result in an invalid claim. If you feel that our product is not operating satisfactorily you must:

    1. Contact Enaly Trade at (604)937-3984 or e-mail us: enalyozone@yahoo.com

    2. Provide us with your name and date of purchase.

    3. Provide us with the model and serial number of unit in question.

    4. Explain in clear terms what is not satisfactory.

    If you are asked to return the unit in question to Enaly Trade, you must pay all shipping costs

    i hope that helps a bit.  about your broken nozzle, i have an idea.  why don't you get some silica gel, put it in a small tub, and then immerse your whole unit inside?  that way your enaly will definitely produce more ozone.  i read that once somewhere.  desiccant is quite cheap.  i bought mine from a photo shop close to my house, so its readily available.  cost me $4.50 for a small tub.  i maintain my redox at 390mv.  these few days, it rarely drops below 370, even after feeding. 

    bro, that's neat connection. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Btw, you sleep beside the tank? the chiller is very distracting.

    actually, i sleep beside my wife. the tank is in my living room. but, as she is prone to remind me (sometimes forcibly), i spent so much time on it i might as well move out of my room and sleep on the couch. :o

    no lah, just kidding. :rolleyes: im still finding a contractor or a way to diy a cabinet. no choice, im on budget.

    i forgot to add.....remember to buy those blue desiccants, and not the white ones. they change from blue to red as they absorb moisture, so its easier to know when its time to change its nappy.

  7. hi everyone,

    finally got the camera from my brother.

    this is the picture of the enaly and the milwaukee orp controller. my settings are quite high, about 390 mv. there is a blinking warning light if the redox drops below 390, and the enaly will kick in.

    pardon my lousy skills. photography really quite difficult :)


  8. hi,

    i found a thread on rc about ozone and phospates. looks like there isn't any direct link at all.


    i will post pictures asap tigger. soon as i get the camera from my brother :)

    hey del, maybe its because you aren't injecting directly into your skimmer through an air pump. i set mine to the highest setting, and inject through a Y valve. how come your output break off so fast? :D


  9. hi everyone,

    a little update. my tank has begun stocking a few days ago. just to refresh, its a 1.5 cube, with a 12 inch 'attached' sump at the back.

    my livestock right now is a 1 inch regal tang (i know i know :lol: ), 2 fire fish, 2 bluegreen chromis, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 red linkia. i feed these babies twice a day, with a mixture of frozen mysis, brine and freeze dried pellets.

    my water parameters are still in good condition. i tested this morning, and there are no detectable nitrates. as far as i can tell, ph is 8.3. calcium is 460. redox fluctuates between 370+mv to 400+mv.

    when i feed the livestock, redox plummets to 330 or so. it takes about 4 minutes before the ozone can bring it up to 390 again. during that time, the ozone is working continuously, and the skimmer produces a lot of foam. however, the skimmate is very light brown in color, since i run it quite wet. nothing like the kopi o i use to see on my previous tank.

    in between feedings, the skimmer produces almost no skimmate, even though bubble density in the body is satisfactory. but keep in mind that its only a macro 350 venturi. better skimmers will no doubt pull more doc out.

    there are no form of any algae at all, other than coralline. there are no diatoms and no hair algae. the water is crystal clear, totally colourless to the ###### eye.

    it is likely that im jumping to conclusions, but i believe that the ozone has helped remove nitrates, like what ah loon has mentioned. i am unable to find the article where i read that ozone helps convert nitrate to nitrogen gas. if anyone stumbles across articles about nitrates and ozone, please post here. we can determine among ourselves if its true or false.

    im unable to find how phosphates are affected, if at all.

    if my ammonia, nitrite and nitrates remain undetectable next week, i am planning to slowly add a feeding mandarin from PR, a blood shrimp, a blue linkia, a yellow goby, 2 more blue chromis, a yellowhead jawfish, neon goby, and royal gramma. of course, thats just my fantasy list, since stock availability is a big issue. :P

    i will continue adding livestock, until nitrates become detectable. after which i will proceed to sps and certain softies. however, even with heavy feeding, im confident that the redox will average 380mv, thanks to the overpowered ozone. if however, my ozone generator breaks down, :( or there is a power outtage, im sure crap will gather at lightning speed.

    i have added a diy air dryer using desicate (silica gel?). that improves the life span and output of the ozoniser. best thing is that it cost me only $4.50.

    actually, i have been thinking if this is the 'right' way to reef. i am obviously overly dependent on ozone, so much so that i seem to treat it like a magic pill. ozone is extremely efficient at helping to remove waste (one of my biggest headaches), since i can literally force the tank redox to maintain at 390. traditional means of removing nitrates, such as dsb, overskimming, bb, and algae culture (to name a few) do not seem to be as efficient as using ozone with controller and overskimming (such as overdriving a macro 350 venturi for a 1.5 cube). but here i must acknowledge that i have never cultured algae before, nor have a functional dsb. since all that i know comes from reading articles, and never having seen them in action before, i may very well be shooting myself in the foot with such an assertion.

    naturally, with such an immense bioload, trace elements and calcium will be depleted rapidly. maybe i might be able to train the ozone to dose and change water for me as well :P

    let me know what you think about it. and please do not hesitate to correct me if im wrong. :thanks:

  10. hey guys,

    before we go on, lets just make it clear that im a new user as well. :P i will try to answer as much as i can. most that the little i know comes from reading what others wrote. lets explore and learn from each other as we go along. should be one heck of a ride ;)


    Do you run any carbon? Any risk of the ozone going into the main tank?

    How is the performance of the milwakee ORP controller?

    i don't run any a. carbon. i don't use the ozone reactor i made as well. the reason is that i have a really small tank, and right now, the return from my chiller is acting as the return for my tank. i have since plugged it directly into the macro, and the 'affluent' is pumped into the chiller, before entering the main tank. any remaining ozone would have been depleted by then.

    quite strange for my case...

    my meter read 200 this morning, after working for 8 hr, it read 230.

    is my probe got problem or the set, or the ozone generator..

    Henry pls tell me i am not the unlucky one...

    del, i don't think you are so lucky to tio two faulty sets among all of us. :heh: just let the orp meter run for another day or two to get it reading accurately. mine reads about 390mv now, but i have no doubt the actual reading is lower than that. if it really worries you that much, maybe you can set the limit at 300mv. its much harder to overdose at that level. also, since you mentioned to me before that your tank water is yellow, plus its overstocked with large capacity pooping factories :lol: , maybe your reading is really 230mv?

    do we need to cablirate it?

    how can a ozone of 200mg running for straigth 6 hr give only 230MV reading, worried it might kill all my fish..

    any expert??

    im not sure about the recalibration. it says that it has been calibrated at the factory. i haven't read any negative comments yet about milwaukee's calibration. lets just run it for another day or two. btw, did you activate your ozoniser? did you press down the little red button at the back? its a stupid question, but might as well check all possibilities. just in case. also, it looks like thats happening to bloodlamb as well. just let your controller do its thing B) there's someone who has used the enaly 24/7 since he bought it. no problem reported thus far. i will try to ask the brave soul if he could comment a little. :bow:


  11. i don't think its that easy to overdose ozone actually. its only my personal experience, but when i plugged in the controller and ozoniser. it took about 2 hours to reach 400mv from 200++mv. this is only a very rough estimation. and my tank is only a 1.5 cube.

    it would be prudent to wait for larger tank owners to comment on their timing, so that we can 'guess' more accurately for our own tanks.

    having said that, i think having a controller is definitely a good addition. :)

  12. hi everyone,

    a few people have pmed me about the enaly ozone generator and its performace. perhaps we could do a simple review here, so that everyone might have an idea about its pros and cons.

    i have only started running my ozoniser a few days ago. short term wise, i can see a definite improvement on water clarity. the water in my tank is incredibly clear. its really quite amazing. however, my tank has only started light stocking, so that may well be a significant contributing factor. im also over driving a macro 350 venturi for my 1.5 cube.

    the redox value of the tank is maintained at almost 400mv, almost effortlessly. i rarely see or smell the ozone generator work anymore. again, my light stocking is likely to be part of the reason. however, i suspect that even after 6 months or so when i have overstocked heavily :P , the enaly is still capable of keeping redox at 400mv, due to its high output capacity.

    of course redox value is but one small sign of a healthy tank. but i believe nontheless that it will help overall.

  13. hey guys,

    glad that most of you are able to drop by today to pick up the controllers. i heard that the controller needs some time to 'season' and start reading accurately. one idea that i heard was to put the probe in distilled water to quicken the 'seasoning' time. im going to try it out myself and see if it works.

    im planning to set mine at slightly below 400mv. i hope thats ok. :)


  14. wow, my thread got knocked back to page 4....everyone update so quickly.... :lol:

    nothing much has changed for my tank. just did a rescape by adding some new rocks onto the eggcrates, tightening the others, rearranging them, stuff like that. cycling is really kinda boring. :snore:

    i didn't want to add any sand originally, but after trying a couple of futile hours to get a decent looking base, i finally gave up. i don't have a digicam with me right now, but i will take a picture and you'll know what i mean when i say bare bottom CMI. especially with eggcrate as my bb. mine looks like a squatter landfill.

    tomorrow im getting some grade 0 sand, and thereby caving in to the almighty urge to forgo easy maintenance in favor of beauty.

    i also started using my ozonizer this afternoon....without the orp controller....even though its arriving tomorrow night.

    but instant gratification has its benefits, because......

    three hours later, voila! i have an amazing headache. thanks to the ozone gas.

    good news is, the tank water has become incredibly clear. it really looks like there's no water inside. even my live rocks looked dazed and confused. i can only begin to imagine what it would look like in a 4 or 6 feet tank, under metal halides, with lots of fishes and corals.

    im planning to keep my redox value at 390mv. i don't know how to say it without sounding like im crowing, but......!!ITS A GREAT PIECE OF EQUIPMENT!! la equipmente es mui bien! hen hao! bagus!

    *please note that i have been using the ozoniser for 3 hours only. base on my track record, i may have to eat my own words eventually..... :erm:

    but seriously, if anyone wants to come and have a looksee, just pm me. lots of ice cream in my house, and you are more than welcome. provided, of course, you present me with a suitable house warming 'gift' (sps prefered). :P or alternatively you may cross my palm with red paper graced by the likeliness of yusof ishak and topped with the ever youthful image of sm lee and his soccer ball on the other side. :o

    its 4am and i can't sleep.....

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