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Everything posted by Bluebeard

  1. hey hi guys, i'm very curious to know what additive do you add to your tank? and how often? i have been reading about additive to tanks and there are so many types, calcium, magnesium, iodide, buffer, etc. should we add all or which are the ones we must add? what brand do you use? we got reef tank, fish tank, shrimps tank, can tell us what kind of tank you have and what you add? right now i only add calcium to my tank although i have a fish and shrimps only tank. it's more for my shrimps and crabs. right now i'm thinking of adding marine buffer.
  2. hey thanks for the advise hongqixian! i'm also thinking of going to Kwang's this coming tuesday but not confirm. just in case i never go, do inform me if Kwang's got any new stock of shrimps or crabs ok? thanks!
  3. hello! i have been reading up on shrimps and crabs, they need iodine when they change shells and protein skimmer will remove a lot of iodine. and also some other articles also say that there is no need to add iodine as they are already present in their food. but to be safe, i'm thinking of adding iodine as my tank got quite a lot of shrimps and they change shell quite often. how to add iodine ah? is there any additive on sale out there? which one is better?
  4. starfish seems to have a very good radar for food! hahaa.... right now my choco chip starfish is inside my protein skimmer!!! i don't know how it know that there is lots of algea inside. the entrance is blocked by the air stone but the starfish still manage to get inside and eat the algea! also, when i feed the fishes with flakes, the starfish will move to the water surface and open it's 'mouth' and start eating some how.
  5. hehee.. thanks.. i don't think i will be keeping octopus but just curious, where to get the $2 live bait octopus? now my tank got more crabs and shrimps than fishes! don't want anything to eat my shrimps! as for the anemone shrimps, i don't think i will be buying them anymore, actually 1 already die my 2 matched boxing shrimps seems to be attracking anything in the tank. i also don't know how the anemone shrimp die but don't want to try anymore. now still got 1 anemone shrimp left but it don't seems to be doing well also although my other shrimps are all doing well, almost everyday sure got a shrimp or crab change shell! Kwang's haven't been stocking anemone shrimps leh, in fact they don't have much stock these days. even last week when i go, they only have new stock of fishes and hingeback shrimps only, nothing much. i still waiting for them to stock new kind of shrimps. ehee.. so bawater, how's your visit to reborn? bought any sea horse? pacific also got sea horses.
  6. hey hi vanan, i don't think there is 1700k PL tubes, should be 6500k, 7200+k, 10,000k or others. 1700k is too low. for actnic, FL will be a better choice. from from what i know, PL actnic are not very blue and cosume more power. so FL actnic will be better and also cheaper, depending on brands la. those PL light with 1 white and 1 blue strip is 50/50 PL which consist of 1 white and 1 blue tube. they both looks white when off though. if you don't have much space for lights, that will be a good choice but the bad thing is that you cannot control the blue and white tube indivdually. normal ballast and electronic ballast is the construction, normal ballast uses transformer to convert the voltage, electronic ballast uses electronic components. also got price difference, usually e-ballast cost 3 times more than normal ballast. but the benefits of e-ballast is a lot:- 1) save energy 2) generate less heat ( the ballast but the light tube still generate the same amount of heat) 3) no need for starters 4) won't flicker when just switched on 5) since it won't flicker when switched on, it's suppose to not shorten the life span of the light tubes. e-ballast is highly recommended. 3)
  7. ya lor very expensive. me just went to Lor Halus, Pacific Marine got new stocks!!!! lots of blood, boxer and other shrimps! fish also have but the usual ones. got octopus! but heard only live around 6 months only, anyone keep before?
  8. hey thanks thanks, i found the pic. yes they are anemone shrimp.
  9. bawater!!! i saw lots and lots of seahorse there at Reborn!!!! i saw at least 3 types (colour) of seahorses there! Kwang's also have but not as much as Reborn. you go Kwang's often? do tell me if they got new stock ok? right now Kwang's and Reborn is my 2 fav shops but Kwang's is not really convient. hey, on 9th Nov, interested to go LCK Fish farms? another forumer ask me go and he's driving.
  10. hey thanks bawater, i'm looking for 18watt 50/50 but will go find it after my exams. keong seong very hard to buy tubes leh since they don't display out. by the way just curious, what's the colour of 20K tubes???
  11. i cannot find the pic on the web leh. if you can send me a site with lots of shrimps pictures maybe i can find. have pincer like freshwater ghost shrimps it's legs are purple, body is transparent. size around humpback shrimps. why i say it looks similar to harlequin shrimps is because it got white patches which are similar to harlequin shrimps. i also don't know by from first sight, it looks like harlequin shrimps to me. by the way, i went to Kwang's on Saturday, they got harlequin shrimps at $15 but now still got stock or not i not sure, saw 4 that day eating starfish!
  12. new shrimps found at Reborn, kind of look like those shrimps that eat starfish but this one doesn't. $5 each, very very nice! still got 2 left after i bought 2 la, act fast!
  13. hi guys! me just came home from Reborn, lots of new stock there now! fish and corals!
  14. hihi, if you are external filter, i think you can just get the tank from anywhere. hey why not get a 4feet tank, next time no need to upgrade mah. skimmer is very important i think.
  15. hi hi, i also try to get a marine listing from Aquatic Realms but the listing consist of non-marine shops too. i have to go thru the whole big list to find out which are the marine shops. and also i have tried doing a search with the key word 'marine', the result is better but still some non-marine shops will pop up. even if it's a marine shop, the listing is too big to maintain, some are not updated. i still think it's a good idea for this site to have a marine listing. much easier to locate shops and smaller list means easier to maintain with updates. and also a more detail description of the shops can be given. as for having a section for Starters, i also think it's a good idea but it's not to stop newbie to ask questions. if newbie can know everything from reading up, what's the forum for right? actually i find that it's ok to post repeated questions once in a while since different people will answer them and different answers will be given depending on the person's point of view. every one have their own way of doing things, own ways of keeping fish. is this what forums are about? communication?
  16. ya lor this is a very good idea especially for these days. there are simply too many fish shop around that don't sell marine stuffs. or there are some marine shop that only do setup and sell equipment. a few times i went to these shops but nothing to see. can have a description of the shop, talking about what the shop does. i think this should be easy as there are not really too many to list and marine shop don't just pop up everywhere overnight like louhan shops.. ehehehe
  17. hahaah.. then better not, wait in the middle of the night i cannot sleep because of the sound and there is nothing i can do! thanks!
  18. actually i'm very very interested in having some but is it really that noisy??? i have my marine tank in my bedroom you see.. eheheh
  19. hey hello hello tigerfish, can the $12 protein skimmer work well??? i bought it before but it's not working well and so i went back to change to a more expensive one. my planted tank nothing much la, i don't add CO2, just give them strong light and keep plants that don't really need added CO2 to survive. have lots of fish though.
  20. hey hi hi tigershark, may i know what filter or skimmer you have? me also have a 2' tank but with live rock, plant, fish, shrimps, crabs and snails only. right nowi do 20% water change every change, thinking of changing water less but don't know can or not. thinking of changing water every 2 weeks like you do. one more thing common, i also have 2.5' tank! but with plants and fresh water.
  21. hihi, my tank is 2feet with just 3-layer top filter and protein skimmer. no coral, just live rock with plants, small fishes, shrimps, crabs, starfish and snails. me also doing method 3. change water every week, around 20%. can i change water less frequent??? very scare cannot leh, so far what i am doing now is good enough for my tank.
  22. me not expert and also new to marine but i think i can help you answer question 2 since i do keep quite a lot of shrimps in my tank. i have 2 cleaner shrimps and 2 Coral Banded shrimps in my 2feet tank (also got some other shrimps) so far have no problem between the Coral Banded and cleaner. they do are ok i think. as for keeping 2 or more Coral Banded shrimp, i don't think it's a good idea. after 3 tries, i finally got 2 Coral Banded shrimps to live together peacefully!!! these 2 coral banded shrimps that i have now can even stand side by side! sometimes they do fight for food la but so far they never fight until losing legs or pincers.
  23. hehehe.. i was told they close at 9pm la.. good luck!
  24. i was told by the auntie there that their marine live stock (also fresh water) comes on friday. opening hour i not very sure, i think is 10am. closing hours, everyday 9pm except sunday, 5pm.
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