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Everything posted by rapalla

  1. Fellow reefers, just sms or PM me! hehehe...
  2. e-mail newsletter will be more effective!
  3. Hmmm... guess need to abandon my plan! Seems clownfish is can be territorial.
  4. Reefers, i'm intend to keep a vareity of clownfish, some of the species list below; 1. False Percula Clownfish 2. Clarkii Clownfish 3. Maroon Clown 4. Tomato Clown 5. Sebae Clownfish Any comments on thier compability, will they fight? if i keep them in my tank.
  5. Agree with wonder! Good way of promoting!
  6. bro how big is your maroon clown?
  7. Another view of my 2ft FOWLR set up. Can notice my fav Bursa Trigger "Patchy"
  8. Anyone selling testkit? PM me
  9. On behalf of my friend who's going to become a marine newbie and limited budget set up, looking for the following items; 1 >>> Canister FIlter 2 >>> Test Kit 3 >>> 2ft T5 Lighting 4 >>> Livesands/rocks 5 >>> Skimmer 6 >>> Livesand/Rocks Fellow reefers if you have the following items to give/sell please PM! Thanks...
  10. No nudibranch and parasites spotted, i don't think is copper bcoz all my other corals are OK, nearly 1 week and they seems to half open only, maybe bcoz of my blenny jumping hopping on them...
  11. Fish Taken, Thread Closed!!!
  12. Thanks, hmmm... but do i just drop the Nori piece by piece and let my tangs do the rest?
  13. Hi all, where can i buy a nori for my tangs?
  14. Fish Adopted! Thread Close.
  15. About 1 inch in size bit fat and healthy very active!
  16. Buangkok Crescent near IMH hehehe...
  17. Yo all, need to reduce my bioload, i have the below mentioned livestocks; 2 x Strip Damsel >> Adopt 1 X 1 inch Yellow Coris >> $4 All fishes are in Good Health and Well Feeded! Self Collected!
  18. Yap, beside pellets, i have been observing this Yellow Coris of mine, feeding on my mushies and polyps, getting rid of it ASAP!
  19. Hi all, Getting a Coral Beauty Angel, is it reef safe? don wanna happened like my Yellow Coris eating all my mushies and polyps
  20. Got this 4 mths 2 inch yellow coris (wrasse) to swop with LS. Need to get rid of this fish coz it's eating all my mushies and zoos! But very shy hiding inside the DBS, come out only at night to feed... Interested PM!
  21. At 6 bucks, I know Percula cost more, doesn't matter false clown also accept, as long it's a clownfish. But now its reserved!
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