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Everything posted by Archilles19

  1. Lagi satu.....kalau nak tambah atau ubah isi kandungan list ini (wah....formal Malay ) korang PM aku....kalau ramai sangat yang campur tangan nanti jadi huru-hara......
  2. Haa......ni aku dah buat list....nampaknya aku sorang aje yang info cukup.....yang lain mungkin malu kot.... Anyway....korang tengok apa-apa lagi yang perlu ditambah...... SRC_Mly.xls
  3. We have no intention of discriminating anybody.....anyway this thread is good at least we know there's more than a few Malay reefers out there. This is good maybe for invitaion to any religious gathering that one might want to organise eg...brudder Yus getting married soon...
  4. No mean to frighten the man.....waiting for good sales also...... Let see what else U have....if not ...& U selling/giving to people U know or prefer then might as well close the thread...... It better that U wan to let go this way....at least U know the people & most important U know its in good hands.....
  5. Ur thread says `soon' but already items are sold......without listing down anything. So why are U posting here?
  6. Could be a sasquatch wearing a santa suite stolen from somebody...
  7. Go to hardware shop & ask or look for silicone meant for glass... All siliconed glass has a gap inbetween them...use a penknife & go through the silicone in one direction until U get to the `inbetween ' part of it....slowly or U might scratch the one to be used......I did it for my susmp to place my skimmer where the water level is stable
  8. Apalah lu Ris.....saaap sana...saaap sini........satu saaap untuk lu lah..... `Kalau nak tahu....tu lah gambar motor cari makan'
  9. Haiya...MuarChee....U never see Sis thread in Kopi Tiam where she let out her frustration......U crazy ah.....she can do anything now that she has nothing to lose since she's going to States...... `Remember when my mother chase a thief who snatched her neclace while she was 5~6 months pregnant with my younger brother.....don play-play'
  10. Aiseh.....biasalah....ni cuti sekolah nak habis mdm kat rumah ni dah buat planlah.... Saturday night nak pi Night Safari.....Sunday....relak one korner kat rumah.....next weekend nak get ready pasal gua punya boy yg no. 1 masuk Primary 1...... Tapi ada satu plan yg baru igau-igauan saja.......bulan 6 tahun 2005......nak pi Pulau Redang.....maybe drive up.....kalau ada kaki....kereta sapa ada kosong boleh gak convoy........ Ni aku je baru balik Pulau Langkawi.....drive up beb to Kedah....12 jam....macam mana bentuk badan bila duduk dalam kereta macam tu juga bentuk badan bila keluar kereta...melengkung... Anyway.....nama pun dah banyak......nanti sat aku free aku consolidate & input dalam excel.......
  11. Alamak korang ni...nantilah dulu.....nak kene assign sorang consolidate semua infor baru boleh kasi tahu.......ni tidak....let it out in the open......nanti diganggu oleh anasir-anasir subversif....baru tahu. takpe-takpe.....hangpa semua pm kat aku, nanti aku bikin kat Excel......tapi nak kene kasi siket time lah.....aku pun kerja....bukan duduk goyang kaki makan kuaci..... BTW......this week jumpa one reefer nama Harris....aku ingat dia member since 2002 lah....shoulkd be the oldest tapi posting dia tak banyak..... To Shiraz........gambar kat Avatar tu gambar kau tahun bila......?????
  12. We will do anything to try to make U stay & prepare for us again Ur super-duper fish food......
  13. aii.....Sis.....want to go States still go Ikea...
  14. `Kalau lah Tuan mudik ke hulu'....... Maybe can do a name list lah.......nick...real name....address....contact no.....
  15. Skimmer sold.....thread closed...... Big thanks to all the pilots out there....
  16. Price negotiable.....but not too low lah
  17. Eh.....brudder Shiraz ni......house not even painted.....set-up tank already ???? Anyway........if U thinking of painting Urself then U will need to apply the prime coating 1st....min. 2 layers....normally white colour lah....can try using those anti-fungal paints but bear in mind that new houses.....totally new ones....the cement tend to leak its acids out making Ur paint job looks like shit..... Choose paint brand & compund (what its good for eg outdoor, underwater) wisely. Doesn't mean if U pay somebody they will give U the best quality in paint.....just look at our HDB flats.......blehhh...
  18. Aiseh Brudder.......cat sendiri lah.......lagi murah
  19. AS300 model: S$259 Specification:∮15cm H,52cm Skimmer Max Capacity: 1200L Pump Max Capacity: 2000L / h Above is the original price it was bought. Below is the pics...
  20. Skimmer UPZ for sale again........... Can SMS me @96874449
  21. To all interested parties..... Will be away on holiday from today till Friday 17/12/04......skimmer should be available for collection on Sunday onwards.....no worries as I take good car of all my equipments. They may not look new because of contact with salt water but functionability is tip top.....no modification done...... Regards
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