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Everything posted by Archilles19

  1. .....I know lah.....no offence taken..... Anyway quite a number of bro & sis here called me up lending a hand..... Thanks to all......
  2. To my fellow reefers.... Anybody out there has a pump of flow rate of 2500 ltrs/hr that can be loan to me for about 1 months time....I need to do a testrun on my chiller lah..... & I need a betta-box to trap my damsels because I've tried a few methods & fail.....the one using the fish hook almost snag my flame angel.....heng ah..... If U have the above....please sms or call me @96874449......prefer if U stay east as I'm in sengkang....
  3. Errr...lagi satu..... Siapa ada betta-box.....gua nak pinjam pasal nak perangkap si ikan jahanam tu......gua dah try pakai matakail.....yg dekat bukan ikan yg gua nak tangkap tapi ikan lain plak.....termasuk ikan mahal gua....
  4. Gua pun mau mintak tolong sikit lah.........sesiapa ada pump yg flow rate above 2100 ltr/hr & below 2500 ltr/hr......boleh pinjam tak....gua nak test kat gau punya chiller lah....... Kalau ada.....call or sms gua lah.....nanti gua datang ambik.....pinjam dalam due minggu to sebulan.......
  5. Pressure cooked to the likings........
  6. Aiyah you people.....shouldn't let those buggers know our intention lah....seee.....now they wouldn't want to own up.....cheh....could have practice my skinning skills for the next Hari Raya Haji......now....gone... Anyway...hope U find him.....but don have high hope lah bro.......he maay be gone liao.....what with all the threat.....
  7. Same lah bro.....but I went as far as almost 3/4 of it.....after that I told myself......`yeah!!!!I get the picture'........
  8. Is the price stated before or after discount.....
  9. I woke up this morning `on the wrong side of the bed'.......not in my even good mood today.......seeing this......ANGER....ESCALATING.....KILL....KILL....KILL......KILLLLLL.....I mean kill the human who do this...not the animal.....
  10. Alamak brudder Yus......gua cakap bukan pasal usul agama lah....tapi cara diorang buat kat si palestin tu...tu je.....takda lah gua sentuh pasal agama....lu ni....rilek lah..... Lu tak perasan ke.....gua cakap memang gua boikot barang buatan yahudi.....tapiiii.....kalau on sale...cerita dah lain lah.......takkan nak lepaskan peluang...... Anyway diorang punya Red Sea Salt pun takde benda.....gua ingat diorang pakai garam kat pasar tu...... .......gua pernah pakai.....macam ^%#^$#%$........
  11. Eh....how to slow down....they start to crowd around the moment I walk pass the tank..... Anyway.....it depends on what fish U have & how much U feed at one go.....if u feed twice a day then try to feed as much as they can consume within a few minutes......wait a few hours....then feed again..... This way u will lessen the bioload in Ur tank......especially when U have a few tangs in them......
  12. The FORCE IS DEFINITELY STRONG in this movie....... Can't wait for it......so are my children......
  13. sesiapa kalau pakai MAcro ke hapa punya skimmer yg pakai needlewheel....ni pump bagus punya.....cuma satu problem gua......Red Sea kalau tak salah aku buatan yahudi.....pasal garam Red Sea kat paket belakang dia taruk `Product Of Israel'.....gua ni kalau yahudi ada sikit problem lah.....tu pasal dah tak pakai Levi's jeans lagi.......tapi kalau ada sale tu lain sikit lah.....
  14. WAH....!!!!!chia lat lah lu brudder........hear alarm also still can makan ah..????
  15. Seargent.....tank amacam...... *kasi dia terdiam sikit*
  16. *geleng kepala* mamat Yus ni makin nak kahwin makin tak senonoh...... Anyway gua ada plan nak tukar gua punya sump pasal yg ada ni rasa macam ada kebocoran sikit lah.....pasal air kat dalam surut macam cepat sangat dalam masa tiga hari je....ni yg musykil ni......aku dah mintak quotation kat aku punya glass supplier......design dia tak beza cuma besar sikt je.....so far gua tengok dia punya workmanship kat construction site `thumbs up' lah......kita punya tank glass cuma cenonet je...dia pasang glass yg besar gedabak.....mintak2 dia kenang jasa gua lepas tu bikin kan gua free....... MIMPI LAH MELAYU........
  17. Used to use filter wool, bio-balls of the sort...for my mechanical filter.....through the years of using them, especially the filter wool...I find it quite troublesome since it will choke once too much detritus get trapped....& my water is not that clean either...... Presently I already removed all the bio-balls except some in my pre-filter to muffle the sound of falling water, removed most of the coral chips except the big size which is in my sump 1st compartment, all ceramic ring removed, still used the bio-home though...too expensive just to throw away.... .....for the wool I replace with those black filter sponges to trapped bigger waste (if any) &since with filter wool the skimmer still skim out sludge from the minute waste then, I just use a better skimmer.....so far ....satisfied.....
  18. I asked U to exchange with mine U don wan ..... Anyway....Upzzzz
  19. Apsal yg jepun.....selalu yg jepun brapa ha.....?
  20. I think we have to stop asking for design or wiring diagram from bro Prec.....maybe he wants to use it to his advantage...maybe financial reasons.....hey!!!!.....who don want their creations to bear him some financial fruits especially in hard times like now....... If his willing to share...then he'll share...no need for us to pester him for anything....its his own given rights.....but right now we should leave him to his findings & wait for further updates...... I'm not that good in electronics.....this is a good thing.....
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