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Posts posted by damienkee

  1. Get a tubby loh. ;)

    I oso dun have chiller. It is the long term cost of electricity that stop me from getting chiller. :(

    Opt for fans long time ago and initially have to deal with daily top up in order to maintain salinity and water levels. :angry:

    After I got tubby, no more worries. Used for one year liao no problems until my overflow got stuck and causes my sump to be overflow and thus short circuited the Tubby's float switch. :nuke:

    Got it replace by CM and at the same time pair up my Tubby with Cookie's Kalk Reactor! - No more mixing and dosing Kalk every night!!!!! :evil:

    Hahaha :lol:

    wat is tubby? can teach ah? pls!!! :blink:

  2. Red colour stick-like bamboo algae lor... CF always have, but call and check first... tangs love it.. tangs are picky eaters, a week isn't tat bad actually, just keep trying to entice it and don't stress it too much..

    :o oh....~

    i was plan to change some water this weekend. so now, do you think i should wait until the naso tang to start eating.

    by the way, wat is CF? :paiseh:

    sorry! im really new....

  3. Try getting a rock of red bamboo macroalgae to get it started, tangs normally will eat it. At the same time, try soaking cyclopeeze in garlic extract like wat neokn suggested.. then progressively get it onto mysid and pellets... these methods worked for me, so hopefully it will help. ;)

    red bamboo algae? how is it look like?

    i gonna ask fish shop owner tonite b4 i back. he tell me, his 1st naso tang wait until the 3rd week to start eating. but for me, if my naso tang did the same like wat he said, then i dun think this fish can survive.....

  4. You mean it ate all you red bambo aglae? Anyway, since you have already put it into the display tank. Below suggestion is what you can try.

    1. Soak your fish feed with garlic extact/ guard.

    2. Buy ML's Henry special feed mix to feed your LS.

    3. Cyclopeeze.

    If all the above fail, just get more aglae for the time being else your naso will starve to death.

    By the way, what LS do you have in your tank?

    LS means fish?

    1 maroon clown, 4 percula clown, 1 dotty back, 2 african clown and this naso tang.

    i have only the green stuff, with something like bubble. (i dun kno wats e name).

  5. What are these things crawling around the surface of my tank?

    Is it a good or bad thing?

    How do I get rid of these parasites? :cry:

    the white small insects is good thing in small amount. but will become pest when the amount in increase.

    y i say this is a good thing in small amount, bcoz, they can become food supply for ur fish when u r out for vacation. so far (for me) no report saying this thing harm to the the tank.

    p/s: if any1 kno this thing more than me pls correct my mistake. thanks! :)

  6. i had purchase a naso tang 1 week ago, but until now it still dun eat anything bside of argae. he finish all my algae in 1 day (the 1st day). until now he eat nothing. any1 who kno how to improve? I try in fish food, brine shrimp, blood worms, brocoli, lettuce and plankton.

    now he is Thin, breath normally and swim normally.

    pls help!!! :(

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