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Posts posted by salivateforme

  1. i liked the film! Though it's rather late, here is my take:

    After a clutch of pungent Batman remakes, Warner Brothers finally have a winner in Batman Begins. For years, fans like me have been waiting for the Dark Knight to take on the Scarecrow on the silver screen. Now, we don't just get him, but R'as al-Ghul (the Immortal) as well.

    This film basically anchors the whole mythology to a coherent point, detailing the years in which Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world, punishing and training himself. Previous films barely scraped the surface of Batman's origins, though the wonderfully-crafted Animated Series did a splendid job.

    In Batman Begins, the Batman isn't simply the caped crusader, full of cheesy one-liners. Batman grunts, and when he comes face-to-face with criminals, he spits and he roars. This is the terrifying Batman of the comics- a vampire preying on evil-doers. Criminals fear him, and for good reason.

    Naturally I was excited, and the film is like a dream come true. Like any movie, it has its little annoyances- the transition between story blocks can be too abrupt, especially in the beginning. The fighting scences are too quick, as if the camera work is making up for bad footwork. The manner in which the Scarecrow exits the film is particularly nettlesome. Where the hell did he go after being tazered [of all things!]? And the Batmobile looks like something that belongs in Gulf War II. But these flaws should not detract from the solid acting and Batman's stunning entrance into any crime scene.

    The film chronicles Bruce Wayne's traumatic childhood, including the murder of his parents by a petty thief named Joe Chill. Stricken with guilt, Bruce leaves Gotham City in a worldwide quest to hone his skills and understand the criminal psyche. Finally imprisoned in a Tibetan jail, he is found by Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) and brought to a covert terroristic vigilante organization called The League of Shadows. Its sinseh is R'as al-Ghul (Ken Watanabe), a merciless indivdual who takes justice to the extremes. In R'as al-Ghul's chateau, Bruce learns how to use various martial styles to deadly effect. When the final test for initiation arrives, to execute a murderer, Bruce refuses- I will not be an executioner, he says stoically- and ends up battling an enraged R'as al-Ghul.

    Returning to Gotham City, Wayne finds it in the grips of a malevolent crime boss named Falcone (Tom Wilkinson). The mob has infiltrated nearly every level of goverment, but there are idealists who dare to stand up to Falcone. One of them is Bruce's old childhood friend Rachel Dawes (Kate Hudson). WayneCorp, Wayne's business recently-neglected empire, is run by a corporate shark named Richard Earle (Rutger Hauer). Alfred (Michael Caine), the butler, calmness personified, still works for Bruce at Wayne Manor. A psychologist named Jonathan Crane (Cillian Murphy) becomes The Scarecrow, dressing up in a scarecrow's mask and terrorizing the inmates of his Arkham Asylum with a hallucinogenic gas that makes their worst fears come to life. He conspires with the League of Shadows to destroy Gotham City by poisioning its water supply and having everyone go dotty and tear each others' throats out.

    With the help of Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman), a man who heads WayneCorp's department of Applied Sciences, Batman's suit, utility belt and Batmobile are born, and Bruce fights crime by night while pretending to be a snotty playboy at other times. He needs the help of one of Gotham City's remaning good cop James Gordon (Gary Oldman, acting out of character). As the mythos goes, James Gordon is the future Comminsioner Gordon, whose daughter is destined to be the thoroughly forgettable Batgirl.

    This film boasts a new, bat-styled martial arts, and awesome car chases that literally pound through road barricades and roofs. The police are typical Hollywood morons who get in each other's way. The Scarecrow might be scrawny and smooth-cheeked, but with his crafty use of drugs, manages to overcome the Batman in their first encounter. Batman Begins even offers a thoroughly plausible explanation for the way down into the Bat Cave from Wayne Manor.

    Christian Bale already won my admiration in the unacclaimed but brilliant Equilibrium. As Batman, he rocks. He does the voice right, the brooding posture right, and he is the first person to make Batman more interesting than his enemies. The whole endeavor smacks of a superhero classic, following the tradition of Sam Raimi's Spider-man, in which plot and acting are not sacrificed for special-effects.

    Without doubt, this is the best Batman film ever made. It's hard to see anyone else filling the Batman's shoes. The film's ending, especially, seals its epic destiny.

    To Gordon's flustered and uneasy "I never thanked you", the Batman replies: "You never have to."

    You can't go wrong with a line like that.

    Hope this encourages more people to go watch this masterpiece.

  2. SG Reefing is set up by Coralreef, a reefer here who had his own plans to setup a web magazine revolving around travel or something of that kind a few years ago. He then set up a reefing subforum under mediazoneasia.com as part of his content. I remember him asking me for advice then. ;)

    A recent revamp of the Mediazoneasia site was done, with everything dropped except the reefing subforum.

    There was a change in domain name and the site suddenly took on a look and feel similar to SG Reef.

    If there is a reason why the name and the format/categories are so similar, I guess they say imitation is the best form of flattery. ;)

    Other than that, there is no link between the SG Reef Club and SGReefing.com.

    Except that place is now known as the place for 'disgruntled' reefers who have problems fitting into SRC, the idea reinforced by a mod there and MDP in his RAG forum.


    adj : in a state of sulky dissatisfaction

    I believe the Mods and Admin over there has already stated what they DO NOT want to be compared with 'The Other Side'. :rolleyes: However, that is yet to be seen as it has become a platform of attack on quite a few occasions, including before the revamp.

    Hopefully, we can co-exist side by side peacefully in our very small local marine community.

    Hope that clears your doubts.

    Understood. Sometimes though, I can't help but wonder if this is simply the Singaporean mentality...maybe the land we live in is too small...thus, flare-ups like this happen...kind of like exhaust vents, I think.

    Anyway, you have my support...

  3. Hmmn...I've read through some of the exchanges between SRC and RAG...AT, just want to say, in spite of what the OTHER side says or does:

    1. SRC is still the first name you hear when you join the hobby -FACT!

    2. SRC has the largest online population in Singapore -FACT!

    3. 90% of SRC are super-nice people- FACT!

    4. I would have bought my SEIO pump at an insane price if not for some reefers here who took the initiative to PM me on the real state of affairs -FACT!

  4. Until a recent thread on fishy politics and such, I didn't even know there was a: http://www.sgreefing.com/forum/index.php?act=idx

    What gives? Is that a new forum or what? And what is SGREEF's relationship with SGREEFING?

    I came across this statement from MDP@USA...

    "RAG is the new home for disgruntled SG RC users."

    What's there to be disgruntled about SGREEF? Holy smoke...what has happened to the word 'hobby'?

    with much regards

  5. Hi there,

    I've heard a lot about the seio super flow pumps and was wondering if I could replace my eden power sweep (huge monster) with this. My aquarium is a 2 footer, my questions are:

    1. Does the seio use less power than a powerhead?

    2. Would the output be too strong for a tank of my size?

    3. Would it agitate the water surface?

    4. Any risk of shrimps or snails being sucked into its impeller?

    5. Are the suction cups reliable?


  6. :( it went up lorry.

    i did stir the sand a little while trying to remove all the yellow damsels and life rocks. could it have poison the cleaner ?

    the clown and chromis still swiming ok. blue tang itches still.

    any cleaner fish that is less sensitive ?

    so-called cleaner fish don't really do well in captivity. Their diet is very specialized.

    The only reason why LFS still offer them is that people continue to buy them.

    You'd have better luck getting one of the species of cleaner shrimps.

  7. The GFI can be an independant unit, plugged into a wall socket before the power bar. I saw one retailing at about $30, in a hardware shop. I think its a GFI, though it's called a Leakage Breaker or something. Not too sure. Haven't got it yet.

    Lucky thing for me, my LFS loaned me a subsitute set, but one of the tubes seem to have reddish tinge, like a freshwater tube.

    Darn, I sure hope there'll not be any ill-effects. BTW, I only keep mushrooms, a toadstool leather, buttons. PL seems sufficient. All seems okay. Do I really need T5?

  8. Oh man, eletrocution..

    I once was electrocuted - my PL lighting fell into my 2ft tank, in the panic that the saltwater was gonna spoil the light, i stupidly reach for the lighting :pinch:... when my hand touched the lighting, my hand just shook by itself and the lighting went off.. My natural reaction was to jerk back my hand.. I was ok after the incident but my hand was numb for a few hours.. surely it was a incident for me to remember :sick:

    The lighting was ok after i cleaned it of all the water.. No fishes died because i was still cycling that tank when it happened, so there wasn't any fishes.. (I'd guess that any fish in the tank would have died..)

    My lesson learnt was that (if possible) off all electrical appliances when maintaining or doing things in the fish tank.. :peace:

    Hey, after drying it out, the light still work?

    Hmmn, I haven't tried that yet. Maybe mine is still working...

  9. This morning, I had DIY'ed a fish trap, using a soda bottle. Wanted to test-capture my damsel. To put it underwater, I had to shift my PLs. Slippery hands that I have, the end with the eBallest dipped into the water. The lights shorted, and I got an electric shock. It was mild, fortunately enough, but it truly opened my eyes to the possibility of losing my life if it had been another electrical appliance.

    No harm to the LS, as far as I can see, but I don't know if there would be a delayed reaction. Anybody has experience in this? Would LS be harmed by a short stint in electrified water?

    I am going to get a Ground Fault Interrupter the first thing I come home from work this evening!

  10. Journalists in this cases are just reporting what the company or research calms especially one that have "awards" or "viewing" endosement from some politicians. (Somehow, it smells of poly recuiting agenda as the 'O's just came out) The reporters are not to blame. That is why there are forum pages whereby the public can write for feedback/correction.

    The whole debate here still lies in the information (or rather misinformation) given out (or withheld) to public. The thought of profiting from ignorant public that affect real lives of corals and fishes  is nauseous. Come to think of it, I personally dun really have an agenda with the company as I understand it's all about profits and securing a deal/permit to make such tanks that the poly boost about. They may think that "Wow, an established education institute had "invented" a no-need-to-change-water-tank that had won awards and praised by some politicians, it MUST be working!". Of course, how much they really know is debatable, next life may they be LS in such no-need-to-change-water-tank.

    My main point is that education of the public in regards to reef keeping is very important. You sell yours... I preach mine... in due time I have no doubt who will prevail.

    shoelevy...your comet is about make an impact...good job.

  11. salivateforme - how long can you keep a fish in your quarantine tank with those aparatus? wouldn't it have too much nitrates for the fish? so just nori, dried seaweed will be good enough ah? those that kids like to eat??

    diabolus - you mean pellet are actually more nutritious than brine shrimp?? what pellets do you recommend??

    UFO - mine are the red grapes. hmm. but i still don't see my YT enjoying it thou.. 


    :thanks: bros once again.

    A QT is a temporary set-up. Ammonia and nitrite spikes are dealt with by regular water changes. Feed sparingly, siphon out any uneaten food, shit. Buffer with baking soda. Monitor parameters on regular basis.


    As diabolus said, pellets are good. Formula 2 is good.

    You can try securing a piece of seaweed to a lettuce clip ($3-$5) and place it somewhere near the YT's haunt. Flavor nori with garlic to make it more enticing. Give the YT time to investigate.

  12. But jsut to add, I did came across the web that mentioned that when caulerpa rot, it actually giveout toxic?? If I recall correctly.

    When caulerpa turn asexual, it releases enormous amounts of gametes, along with all the nutrients it exported.

    You can learn more here:


    Keeping light on 24hr is said to prevent the plant turning asexual. Or, you might want to try other docile species of macroalgae, like Chaetomorpha, Ulva (sea lettuce), and Halimeda (calcified species).

    Some things you might want to consider for culturing macroalgae:

    1. Have an established, stable environment

    2. Adequate nutrient level

    3. Full-spectrum lighting for at least 12 hours (most aquarist employ reverse photoperiod to keep stable pH)

    4. No medications

    5. Moderate. continuous water flow which stimulates algae growth and keep debris off its surface.

  13. "Help!" he shrieked, kachang flying from his body. "A man with Moorish Idol lips is after me!" Suddenly, Wong Kan Seng walked out of the Gents. His hands pop guiltily out of his left nostril...

    [sorry, broke the 2 sentence rule twice...couldn't resist. This is the last one, I promise]

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