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Posts posted by Tualatin

  1. Apologies for the really long hiatus. I have been too busy with work. Anyway, below is the revised list of equipment for sale:

    1. Deltec MCE600 + Filter Box - $400

    2. AquaC Remora Pro + Rio 10HF - $200

    3. Eheim Universal Pump 1260 - $100

    4. Eheim Universal Pump 1262 - $120

    5. Overflow Box - $50

    6. 2x Eheim Professional II 2028 (full set plus a number of spare parts) - $150 each

    7. Hailea HC-300A - $300

    Stay tuned to more items, I am consolidating them for another update.

  2. Thanks all for the interest. The fishes have been collected.

    Today's give away: A box of assorted frozen food (blood worms, brine shrimps, mysis shrimps)

    Today's sales: A big pail of live rocks (including snail/hermit shells) and half a medium pail of live sand for $40.

    PM me if you are interested. The frozen food is to be cleared today or they will be disposed of. The location to pick up is at Bukit Panjang.


  3. Greetings people,

    I am decommissioning my 3-tier of 2ft x 2ft x 1ft tanks due to current lack of time and plans to restart a new tank. The fishes have to be given away first, while the equipment sales will come later.

    Here are the fishes I have to give away, sizes are my estimate and the condition is that the new owner has to take them all together. They have been with me for roughly three years. I aim to clear them before Friday, if possible.

    1. 1x Orange Shoulder Tang (6 inches)

    2. 1x Bristletooth Tang (5 inches)

    3. 1x Green Chromis (2.5 inches)

    Please PM me if you have an interest to take the fishes. Selection will be based on haste and my convenience as time is of the essence now. The location to pick up is at Bukit Panjang and please provide your own pails/bags.

    Happy new year to all and thanks!

  4. Sealife got quite a number of different tangs:

    Powder blue (nice small size)

    Powder brown

    Blue (tiny size)




    Yellow (philipines)

    Lta (small size)

    Kole (hawaii)

    Great choices for tang lovers!

    Brazil shipment is in, so in addition to all the above tangs:

    Atlantic Blue Tang (lots)

    Peppermint Hogfish (few)

    and many more others

    Aquamarin is a little bare, but got:

    Rainford's Goby (lots)

    Hector's Goby (few)

    Green Wrasse (lots)

    Spotted Yellow Eye Tang (few)

    and some others

  5. here are the photos. anywyas, my mistake, it is the Aqua C REMORA, NOT REMORA PRO.

    really sorry about the mistake, always thought it was a "pro", but the sticker on it doens't say "pro" so i guess its not.. cheers. here are the photos.



    Actually the Remora and Remora Pro both have the Remora sticker (no Remora Pro sticker), the only differentiation is the sizing, 17.5" x 6" x 2.75" for the Remora and 21.5" x 7.5" x 3.25" for the Remora Pro. Hope it helps!

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