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Posts posted by rustee

  1. Hi,i hv a elegance coral being with me 1 month and no problem till this few days it started to shrink.I came across some webside mention abt elegance disease.I attach a picture hope someone can help to verify.Btw all my other corals are fine.


    Hi, you may wish to try TLF Coral Revive to dip your elegance. Hopefully it will help. I've had very good results with elegance after dipping with Coral Revive. Before that I often encountered the same problem, shrunken tentancles and slow degeneration of health of the coral. You may also use it to dip other corals to rid it of pests or after fragging. Good luck!

  2. Hi everyone,

    Helping a friend post. He's giving away an old aquatechnic tank with black silicon and corner overflow. Size: Length 200 cm X Width 70 cm X Height 70 cm. Just the tank only without cabinet or stand. Arrange for own logistics and transport. Pm me if you need more details. Thanks

  3. BH, i did not say u dont understand english at all..what i meant was that u dont understand the english used in that abstract, dont get me wrong. dont have to get all edgy and defensive. i think u r confused with the sentence: "Aquaculture production of ornamental species should be avoided when it would replace a harvest of wild animals that maintains habitat, a cultural benefit, or an economic benefit. " i think u r confused with the word harvest. u said " how can harvesting of wild animals maintain habitat?'' what it means is that it would replace a harvest of wild animals. meaning aquaculture should be avoided when it would replace a seasons production of wild animals that maintains habitat, something along those lines. well, congrats on being top in class for english..it clearly shows.

  4. i dont think u really understand what the article is about. u dont seem to understand the words and english perhaps u should re-read that abstract or better still, the full journal article instead of just criticizing. the author is trying to weigh the pros and cons (benefit-risk analysis) of aquaculturing ornamental species.

  5. FYI, in regards to sandbeds, the autotrophic aerobic bacteria at the top layer actually consumes DOC and the byproduct is utilised by the heterotrophic anareobic bacteria

    Dont autotrophic bacteria synthesize their own food (organic molecules) from simple raw materials such as inorganic compunds like inorganic nitrogen? why do they actually consume DOC?

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