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Everything posted by ed-15

  1. so it is safe to mix wun cause harm to my LS rite?
  2. what will happen if mixed.. what is silicate?
  3. i have 1 bio marine salt.. mixed with unknown brand.. as i buy frm the auntie at bukit timah shopping centre.. package in a clear plastic bag no brand.. so wonder can i use bio marine salt and the "unknown brand" together...
  4. wah so fierce ar? haha think last time i got a timid bicolour.. always kenna bully by damsels.... bully until bicolour
  5. I think mixing diff brand of salt shld be ok rite? new to reef keeping..so juz play safe ask 1st...
  6. oh thanks.. hope it will come out soon..
  7. i got 1 shy feather duster wun show his head.. bot it frm ML 3 days ago, i have 3 in my tank but there is one that i havent got a chance to see it ... how can i noe whether it is dead or alive? or it has no crown...
  8. Planning to get bicolour dottyback, wondering will it bully my clowns, featherduster, blue tang and cleaner shrimp. anyone here have bicolor dottyback??
  9. Add this solution can speed up cycling process?? juz wondering...
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