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Everything posted by klim

  1. Pods or Mantis? If Pods, Do I need air pump to substain their life?
  2. Can't find that little guy....anyway my tank i empty, hope it will die off naturally...
  3. Reefing marine need to have a lot of patient and husbandry. I have my tank running for 2 months and still cycling and getting everything ready of them. This is like you won't move in to a house to stay if it is not properly done up right! So pls consider that all fishes and corals are living things. We are here to take care of it else best not to touch it at all. There are tons of information in this forum and RC forum that you can benefit from it. Patient n knowledge is the key to Reefing and saving Gaia.
  4. Wah! So fast have this. I dose bacteria and grow this. Faint. Thanks Mike.
  5. This is just a small white dot on my glass tank. I had it magnified ^^ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. Anyone got this Derrick number? Can you advise. Need some checkup for my Teco. Thanks.
  7. DSB is deeps sand bed. DSB has pro and con, just that in life there are upz and downz. We can't said it is no good just that we need to perform maintenance as often as we can to keep it from accumulating too much dentrius. Sand goby helps to steer the sand a bit as we don't keep too many of them. So we still have to vaccine the sand bed regularly.
  8. Upz for skimz. Too bad my sump not big enough to hold else sure get.
  9. I want I want. But my tank not ready haiz (
  10. Will this light able to support a refugium growing macro algae, mangrove and etc. did it say what Kevin is it using? Thanks.
  11. Bro Gouldian, thanks for the words, you have the "never say die" spirit. Keep up the work and I believed you will be more successful than what you have done in the past. I am just a novice and trying hard to work towards a good husbandry. That's why I have yet to start any LS. Patient is the key and I know I must be patient. Thanks and add fuel.
  12. Hearing the tragedy from the expert make me wondering should I restart the reef tank. Really sad to hear the crash or any death of LS. My condolence to your reef fishes and corals I can understand your feeling. Take care.
  13. Hope what i am doing is correct ^^ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. After dosing the bacteria, had place a market prawn for past 2 days. This is for cycling purpose. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. I am currently using this for dosing. Anyone used it before? What's your review? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. I'm looking for Skimz SM161 skimmer. Please PM me the unit condition and the year of usage if you have one to sell. Thanks. :bow:
  17. Hi Jeff, Thanks for the information. Will take note in future.
  18. I am using 60D and a UWA lens 10-20. Setting Bulb mode, ISO 200, normally will wait for the phew sound and press remote. Wait for 3 pops then release shutter. Usually the feel is critical.
  19. Thanks noted on the noise, trying to expose the background so would have some noise. Lazy to use noise ninja to reduce.
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