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Posts posted by klim

  1. Hi, I have had a Star fish whom have all the five legs all broken.

    4 days back, after knowing that the 4 legs was broken, decided to put it in a betta container, but yesterday, saw that the last leg also break off in small pieces.

    I don't things it is due to the snail, hermit crab or ghost crab, as even after putting it in a betta box, it still break.

    Anyone has such experience? please kindly advice as I do not want to see it dying. :(


  2. Hi Bro, it really takes 2 hand to clap....nowadays, parent-in-law shldn't ask too much, not like last time, selling daughter :(

    There are many ways to host the wedding.

    1. Sure Earn Money (1) - No Dinner, as u will collect all the "Ang Pao" from Tea Session

    2. Sure Earn Money (2) - Dinner at HDB void deck. IMO, better food compare to hotel, also cheap. The "Ang Pao" sure can recovered all ur losses

    3. Break Even - Dinner at Resturant

    4. Sure Lost Money - Dinner at Hotel

    Think about it. Another alternative, go for Mass Wedding.

  3. Black substance in sandbeds

    I am definately sure that any aquarists who have kept sandbeds before would have come across the statement that a black layer would be formed. Some say this is hydrogen sulphide, some say this is cyanobacteria. Actually, this black stuff is none other than FeS or Iron sulphide.

    Iron sulphide itself is a brown precipitate and due to the intense colour, we often perceive it as black. All sulphides are toxic to organisms and thus, this chemical is not good for reefs.

    This compound is formed by sulphate reducers which being anaerobic bacteria, usually thrive under mats of the cyanobacterium Lyngbya sp. or in any anaerobic region. Thus, in anaerobic regions of sandbeds, a "black" layer of FeS is formed.

    FeS can be oxidised in the sediment by MnO2 or maganese oxide into FeOOH, S, Mn and H2O. It can also be oxidised into sulphuric acid by autotrophic or mixotrophic bacteria and will be neutralised by calcium carbonate into calcium sulphate.

    All in all, the black substance is not much of a worry BUT it indicates that the sandbed has a totally anaerobic zone and this should be the main worry of aquarists :lol:

    Hi Blueheaven,

    How long will this "Black" Substance developed? In that case, if we turn the sand often , will this substance develpe?

    I have a lots of snail, big and small, also starfishes, will this help to prevent it from happening?

    Appreciate your advice.


  4. Arrogance.

    I agreed...this is a friendly forum and if you are not interested to tarde or sell.. please kindly exit yourself out of this forum.

    It is unkind to tell ppl off in such words if you dun agreed to their price, just advice that the price is not right.

    I am not sure you are adult or you are still schooling. As a sales person, we should treat our customer well, so that there will be return sales.

    I hope this forum do not become a WAR Zone.

    Please considered b4 writing.


  5. Hi Bro Seamokey, I would like to have the sand, when can I get it? Please PM me your address and time. I will be there.

    Will bring pail along.

    So sorry that you give up, my fish is back to Hyposalnity....will endure for 2 moths this time.

    God Bless.

  6. Wow :bow::thanks: Seamonkey....

    The article had shed light and now I understand that Ich or Whitespot can be killed without any fish for a period of 30 days to 6 weeks.

    :( I have almost passed the guage, that xYz&%*($# LFS gave me false info and made me wasted my effort...... :(

    I will observe my fish and if there is any sign of the Ich coming back, will Hypo again.

    Anyway, I am always open to comments, it is good that ppl shared information which they have, it always help a new reefer like me to continue this hobby.....


    Another SAD thing :cry2: happened. 2 fishes died of ICH attack :sick: . It really sickening coz I was out of town for 5 days and when I came back, saw the fishes covered with white dots all over the body.

    I have thus catch all the fish and put them into QT tank.

    This time I hope I will endure for 2 months.

    How can we KILL :angry: ALL the ICH. This is a real problem and it really sadden me to see fish died. Really no mood. :(

    Is there anything that can destroy ICH without hurting Corals and Fish?

  7. Klim,

    If I'm not wrong you need to upgrade the ballast also (was told by the lfs).  Maybe you should reverify.

    I was told by P**M*** (where I buy from) and A***S***. They told me that Ebalast is very elastic, it can support a varity of bulbs, even HO.

    I have seen the remote ballast for rainbow b4, its output is only limited to 28W.(If yours are the remote ballast type). HO e-ballast is a different thing all together, unless you are into those IceCap.

    Are that LFS trying to sell you the HO tube? If he say can ask them to try out a set in the shop.

    Yes, it is a remote Ballast.

    Yes, they are selling the light set and ask them whether I can upgrade my set to support HO, they told me that no problem.

    Even, if they showed me the light, I doubt I can tell the different, unless I have a measuring kit.

    In that case, I might need to buy everything....


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