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Posts posted by seafood

  1. My nephew P5 maths Q.

    Mr A and Mr B have the same amount of money.

    Mr A bought 4 similar items and left with $25.

    Mr B bought 3 similar items and left with $11.

    The item (unit price) bought by Mr B cost twice

    as much as Mr A.

    How much do they have initially?

    OMG....for P5..unbelievable..need Secondary sch mtd

    for me to solve. Luckily i'm born many many yrs earlier.

    sorri for the super :off:

  2. Mean, grumpy-looking exotic cat...  :lol: Maybe it would help you get potential buyers if you could identify the breed to? It resembles the evil mastermind cat "Mr Tinkles" in the movie "Cats and Dogs"  :lol: It's a persian?  :lol:

    it could be him...maybe the maid help in the hair-treatment.. :P

    sorry :off:

  3. is it a good sign or is it too stress ? :(

    try to cut itself into piece... commit cucumber suicide ? :D

    all the rest of my coral and fish are doing fine in my 4 ft tank ...

    same thing happen to my sea cuke.... saw thw fellowing info



    "If a small group is kept, spawning in the home aquarium is possible. They may also reproduce by dividing into 2 individuals. This may come about due to stress, or may be a sign of good health."

    all other stff in my tank seem ok too.....Guess it may be good news as what bro popper mentioned - we may be daddy/ mummy :) ...

    any1 has any idea if we continue feeding them?

  4. (1) wil_lee76 - Marketing Manager

    (2) Valerossis - Aircraft Engineer

    (3) Gothia - Toilet Attendance ..

    (4) cowgivemilk - RSAF pilot ( on course )

    (5) hamannbmw - Asst Pimp

    (6) Lester - jobless, ORD 26/4/05

    (7) RAV-65 - Slave to my reef tank!

    (8) mabro - part time student

    (9) octopuffy - importer/exporter (i smuggle cigarettes from malaysia)

    10) mUAr_cHEe - Dalla at CV on Friday Nights, 12am - 5pm.

    11) Aquara - Singapore Idol

    12) Archilles19 - Power Rangers (the black one)

    13) CJH - monkey breeder and donkey rider

    14) 35Cents - Village Idiot

    15)Reefbum - juz another bum

    16) Seafood - Newton Seafood Hawker Seller ( the 1 tt harass customer)

  5. For those who r bored @ wk.


    Try to clear identical tiles as fast as possible.

    Just click Game -> Start -> Cheat -> Serach (if u r not sure).

    Note: your score(timing) will not be counted if u use the "Cheat" function.

    Record after numerous attemp 3mins 36 sec.

    Happy playing.


  6. The important thing is : as long as you feel “问心无愧”.

    agreed...just look at e M'ship size and active participation n AT u will kno how ur m'gtment is been judge ;) .... Been new but 101% comfortable in tis site....If u r as per "accuse", i dun think the M'ship size & participation will be tis large/active.

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