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Posts posted by acidjazz

  1. guys, its midnight. . why not we all meet up for coffee n prata? :lol:

    k.. jokes aside.. the black tang is feeding well. Therefore i insist on feeding the black tang in front of the potential buyer b4 he/she brings it home.

    Btw, no inch at all.

    closing bid on wed.

  2. First thing, next time resize the photos.

    Equipments: View my signature


    1. Black Tang

    2. Black Triggerfish

    3. Bi-colour angel

    4. Regal angel

    5. Koran angel

    6. Coral Beauty angel

    7. Blue Tang

    8. Red Sea Salfin Tang

    9. Sohal Tang

    10. Purple Tang

    11. Yellow Tang x4

    12. Bi-colour Dottyback

    13. Mystery Wrasse!!!

    14. Green Chromis x30

    15. Six line wrasse


  3. Paul, u r sure one reefer here who always surprises us with the swift change and addition to ur tank :pinch: Got the Blackie from Ah Beng ?

    hey sean, i am not going back to corals any more. Unless its for a small 2ft cube or something.

    For now, i will stick to the fishes.

    Got the black tang from ah beng, wanna make a guess how many blue notes?

  4. Current Fish List:

    1. Black Tang

    2. Black Triggerfish

    3. Bi-colour angel

    4. Regal angel

    5. Koran angel

    6. Coral Beauty angel

    7. Blue Tang

    8. Red Sea Salfin Tang

    9. Sohal Tang

    10. Purple Tang

    11. Yellow Tang x4

    12. Bi-colour Dottyback

    13. Mystery Wrasse!!!

    14. Green Chromis x30

    Other Additions:

    1. Flame angel

    2. Queen angel

    3. King angel

    4. Blueface angel

    5. Emperor angel

    6. Majestic angel

    7. Blue ringed angel

    8. Blue lip angel

    9. French angel

    10. Eibl's angel

    11. Orange Shoulder Tang

    12. Atlantic Blue Tang

    13. Powder Blue Tang

    14. Achilles Tang

  5. Definitely possible... I mean if they can cross breed with a Brown Tang... I don't think anyone can stop them from mating with... say a Yellow Tang... but of course we will have to take the geographical aspect into consideration :nc:

    Coz my BT actually has some silver speckles on its body, especially nearer to the face area... makes me wonder if it is a trait from Sailfin Tang or even Gem Tang (dream baby dream :lol: ) But that article confirmed the origin of my BT as it features a large photo of a Tang that looks exactly like mine :shock:

    Do check out that magazine if you are really interested to learn more :)

    Thanks for the extra information.

    Its definately possible to hown a gem tang, the lfs probably can order for anyone who's willing to fork out 2000sgd for it.

    Come to think of it, not too much a price to pay compared to those people who play with kois, arowanas, discus etc which cost ten over thousands.

  6. Thanks :D

    Very good question... I read an article specifically on Tangs (Coral Magazine, Tangs Edition) and according to the author:

    1) My Hybrid Black Tang is a cross breed between a Black Tang and a Brown Tang

    2) Hybrid Black Tangs are generally easier to keep and they are more forgiving... also slightly less aggressive compared to pure BT... probably the result of shared traits from Brown Tang

    3) Both hybrid and pure is considered rare

    Now if you ask me about pricing... I will say it really depends on supply/demand as it can be very subjective in the end of the day... but personally I really enjoy keeping this specimen as it is a rare hybrid... there isn't many photograph of it... making it very interesting... but on the other hand... somehow the Brown Tang association takes away some glamour :erm:

    Thanks. I google on hybrid black tang and it came back with no results. Seems like its really uncommon.

    Pricing wise, i believe its similar to any other black tang. Like what the author said, both hybrid n black tangs are rare.

    Is it possible that a hybrid black tang is a cross between a black tang and another species of tang?

  7. Yes actually... just took today :lol:

    Coz this is the first time I feed my tank Local Lettuce (bought from NTUC Fairprice for 90 cents) :lol:

    Surprisingly... only the Black Tang reacted to it... and it sure knows how to go green :shock:

    very healthy specimen.

    jervis, what's the difference between normal black tang and hybrid black tang? :thanks:

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