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Happy Reefer

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Everything posted by Happy Reefer

  1. I have a long-nosed Hawkfish that have been with me for a while. Am selling it at $15. If you have interest to buy, please PM me providing your contact no./mobile no. for further discussion. Collection point will be at Yew Tee MRT station. Have a great long weekend.
  2. Thanks a lot Clownfish. Seems clearer to me. I may get an electrician friend to do for me. Saya not qualified, better don't play play.
  3. Hi Hotlemond, Do you mean to have an external wire with one end on the lighting hood and another join the 3rd pin of the plug? Regards.
  4. Hi, I've tested and found the tank lighting to be the equipment at fault. Just to be sure that I understand you all correctly, if I cut the insulation of the lighting wire which is connected to the 2-pin plug, will I be able to find 3 wires inside so that I re-connect to a 3-pin plug? What if there are 2 only wires, does it mean that it won't work if I change to a 3-pin plug coz there's no "earthing" wire? Rgds.
  5. Thanks. Any other places beside Farmart that I can look for such corals? I've been to Farmart a few times, not much good choices. Regards.
  6. Can someone please advise where exactly is L35? What is the name of this fish farm, address and tel no.? Thanks very much
  7. Hi, Where in the West part of S'pore can I find LFS or fish farms selling 3 corals at $10, or similar sort of pricing? (I know someone ask this sort of question before but cannot locate the thread again) What type of corals are usually sold so cheaply? I guess the size of these corals must be small too, right? Thanks.
  8. Does this Salifert Stop parasite works as in, it can stop ich outbreak in tangs?
  9. Hi, Recently I bought the Tropic Marine Salt from a LFS. I did not pay a very close look at the box as I thought there's only 1 type of Tropic Marine Salt. Later, when I reached home, I realised I paid almost the same price for these 4kg and a 6.2kg which I bought a while ago. Then, I realised I bought the Tropic "Pro-Reef" Marine salt. Has anyone used both type of salts before? Is it really necessary to use "Prof-Reef" Marine Salt. I keep corals and have been using the normal Tropic Marine salt. The corals look ok. The Pro-Reef Salt states on its label that Ca & Mg are optimise. Does it mean there's higher concentration compared to the normal one? Thanks.
  10. Thanks Roidan, The Brazillan Flameback Angel turns out to be more beautiful than the African Flameback Angel, at least that's what I see from your photos.
  11. Anyone seen the African Flameback Angel? Wonder what's the usual price?
  12. Great! That's what I need to hear to validate what I knew that those bacterias are residing the rocks & filters....
  13. Hi Hotlemond, I agree with you and I actually posed the same question to that LFS, but eh, he did not give me a good answer so I gave up in pursuing it with the LFS..... Hence, I'm agonising whether to switch on UV 24/7 which will wipe out all good/bad bacteria and larva... or let both good and bad thrive by keeping to current 6 hr UV duration...... Does anybody else practice short duration UV exposure or do all who read this thread keep to 24/7 duration? Please share more. Thanks.
  14. I was thinking whether 24/7 UV treatment, besides killing "bad" bacteria/itch, it would also kill significant no. of larval stage of desirable copepods and other microorganisms + eggs/sperms/zoocytes of corals, inverterbrates, etc..... When you all feed phytoplankton, beside switching off the filter & skimmer for a while, do you switch off yr UV light? I strongly believe we should. The explanation that the LFS gave as to why I should switch on the UV light for at most 8 hrs is that it would kill both good & bad bacteria (but he can't tell me what are good bacteria). Anyway, when I first set up my tank, the UV light is not in use so as to let the nitrifying/good bacterial grow in the rocks/filter for a few weeks. I don't think many of the good bacteria are now freely circulating in the tank water. They reside in the rocks/filter/cotton, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think I've found the real answer why LFS recommend 8 hr UV light duration. My only concern for 24/7 UV light is that everything good (copepods....larval stage) & bad will be wiped out. The tank will be "clinically sterile", not too good for fishes, I think, just like some people would have weak stomach, whereas some have a stronger stomach to take not so clean food, depending on where they live. In future, wonder these fishes in such sterile tank can take a slight infection or they would loose their immunity. These are my thoughts and my opinions.
  15. Mantis, thanks very much for your explanation. I always thought there are only 2 wires for a 2-pin plug device. This is new info to me. Can someone provide Bio Aquaria & Bio-Ocean tel no.? I called Bio-Ocean at 64833127 y'day evening. The phone line does not seem to be working. Wanted to get the earthing probe. Thanks.
  16. Hi SRC Reefers, Thanks for pouring in your experiences and advices. Wonder whether Home-Fix sells grounding probe, which I can used for marine earthing purpose? OK, will investigate and find out which is the leaking device. Suspect, it's the lighting... Mantis - How do you change a 2-pin plug to a 3-pin plug when there's no 3rd earthing wire within the cable for devices with 2-pin plug? Pardon me, I'm not so electrically savvy.
  17. Hi, 2 nights ago, when I touch the surface of the tank water, I can feel electric current (not a nice feeling). Sometimes, can also feel it when I switch on the tank lights. But sometimes, there's no such current. Anyone can explain what's wrong with my 2-ft setup? Should I get a ground fault ciruit interrupt to earth the current? Where to get such item? Not sure what to do, need advice. Anyone has earthing device / experience to share. Would like to solve this soon, don't want any major accident to happen. Thanks.
  18. Thanks LaW & hotlemond. Anyone else would like to share on use of UV light? Rgds
  19. Hi, I have a Long-nosed Hawkfish (aboutt 8 cm long), been with me for a while, eating very well, letting go at $16 coz my small Royal Gramma is hiding (afraid of the hawkfish. Interested persons, please PM me. Rgds.
  20. Hi, when I first started my 2-ft reef aquarium, was told by the LFS from which I bought the UV light, that I should switch on this light no more than 6-8 hrs. Is this true? Coz another LFS told me that his UV light is switched on 24-hr. Kind-off confused? So now mine is set to switch on 4hr per 24 hr cycle, just to be on the conservative side. Will be glad to hear advice from SRC reefers. Thanks.
  21. Thank you Xperiment. Do you switch on yr UV light the whole day?
  22. Hi, my tank water is about 45 cm deep. I don't have any brain coral but thinking of adding one in the future. Currently, have jewel, goniopora, hammer, frogspawn, zooanthids. Target feed them phyto on alternate days. My skimmer is the simple, Dymax brand, which is housed inside the tank, not those sophisticated type, coz there's no space for me to have an external skimmer. Rgds.
  23. I have a full bottle of fresh Cyclopeeze wafer - flakes (opened but hardly used). Would like to exchange it for a bottle of Ocean Nutrition Formula 2 Marine pellets (small size).
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