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Posts posted by leochngyh

  1. Dont think its due to over current, I was using it for 2-3 months and no add in also.... the total current (pumps, mh, ...) is only 1-2 amp. Me no chiller. Will troubleshoot again tonight and see wat causing it.

  2. Just my whole house power trip, switch on/off all found that caused by my Weipro MH. What can cause it??? I set the time to turn on at 3pm but it trip at 3:30pm... and measure all, Life to Ground, Neutral to Gound, Life to Neutral... all not short now. Need sifus' advice.

    How long my coral can tahan without MH? Coral list: Mushroom and starburst

  3. But is the DC fan have same cooling result with AC? Conside same size on 12VDC and 220VAC. My AC fan now cooling my tank around 2-3°C, if the DC fan can do the same result, I might be changing to DC fan. At least less noise.

  4. I am currently using a AC 6" fan to cool my tank but the noise is too loud.

    Seeing lot of people using DC fan and getting a good cooling result. Should I change to DC fan? Isnt more powerful AC will get better cooling than DC?

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