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Everything posted by illusionist

  1. may i know your location? might be interested in the rocks..
  2. haha simple one la. racoon butterfly. he always bring us go farm and all, how can we not repay his kindness? he is eaquarist in case you know him from the forum
  3. wah i super tempted la. but im studying at home lol..must ask my teacher when we go cheong fish farm again...we bought him a fish for teacher's day lol
  4. hey..OT abit..do you want to donate your live rocks?
  5. no not the lure..those behind it. anyway what's a good beginner frogfish? and what do you feed them? i intend to feed them live glass shrimps. comments?
  6. cool..thanks! cant remember the names now..anyway just a question to ask. are the spines venomous like those of the lionfish?
  7. woops..didnt read the earlier post. didn't know it's so expensive. guess it's kinda out of my budget now. any bros can gimme some links to read up about frog fishes and the different kinds of frogfish?
  8. hey bro..what they look like? i don't mind taking them actually..i have a nine ft marine tank in school and i'm sure they'll be happy there. it's not a display tank, it's more of a coral propogation project with lotsa fishes anyway bad news..my CA2 is like rubbish..gonna work very hard for end of years now..stopped breeding my bettas liao lol
  9. pic 4 or pic 1 would be great! wah all of them damn nice hahaha
  10. eh..yah hor. means..nooooooooo it's longer than one month. ends around oct 14 i think.
  11. haha then count me in ya! i'll be setting up a tank soon after my EOY in about a month's time.
  12. Hey guys! Newbie can join not?? Never kept frogfish before..more of a lion person, but after reading the thread by Lester felt quite inspired. haha
  13. hey i really wouldnt mind your lion! my school has an established 9 feet tank (3 columns of three feet) using a waterfall system. it will be happy there =) and just to let you know im one of those in charge of running it yep.
  14. ic, thanks for the help guys. am i right to say there are 2 kinds of volitans? the one in your avatar and the black bolitans??
  15. icic..so what other live foods do they feed on? and which is best for them?
  16. haha...just to double confirm..is there this cylinder shape shark tank that was just relocated to the back?
  17. thanks for the replies. i intend to feed them with live glass shrimps. what about the various upkeeping of the different species? i remember reading somewhere that radiata are hard to keep. correct me if i'm wrong ya? i'll be using an atman skimmer with uv built in. don't know the exact model yet..will post when i check it out with my teacher.
  18. i saw the frogfish on monday. the guy was opening the boxes just as we were there. so i went there to camp for lions. saw a few but not what i wanted. then saw the frogfish. i think some yellow..some orange. all about...4-5 inches? just estimating. yea..and he wears a singlet and smokes??
  19. hey guys i'm interested in setting up a 2 footer lionfish tank. not sure if im gonna add in corals or not. would like all the bros here to tell me as much as you can about maintaing a tank with happy lionfish? also the different kinds of lionfish. as far as i know so far..there's the dwarf, the radiata and the volitans yep? is there any combination of the above that is best etc? thanks in advance!
  20. is ah beng the guy in pasir ris farm? the fat man?? nearby in the same place got many other shops izzit? went there yesterday..he just had somemore frogfish..i was looking at lions though
  21. may i know what kind of filter you all are using? canister?
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