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Everything posted by kthc

  1. Will add more pictures later, but at the beginning....
  2. 3x1.5x2 ft (6mm) tank with cabinet - $200 Seio 820 c/w box - $35 Seio 820 c/w box - $32 (1 sucker spoilt) Rainbow 3ft light - $50 Weipro 2013 + Jebao pump - $30 Atman 3338 Canister + 1kg bacteria housing as media - $45 LR - $3/kg (Free - 2 large red pails & 40kg sand with 10-12 Cerith snails hiding if take all, about 40kg ) Collection or viewing at Sembawang.
  3. Thanks colin, it's 2500l/h but it takes 60w to run.... that's why letting go at this price. Upz.
  4. Hi, Clearing these 2 pumps. Collection at Sembawang MRT after 7pm, Tanjong Pagar btw 6-7pm...
  5. Anyone saw small, abt 2inch, Algae Blennies in either AquaMarin/Woodlands 818? Thanks.
  6. I use one side of a wooden chopstick and bunches of toilet paper. Use them together and you practically don't even have to touch the brown stuff at all
  7. Thanks for all the interest The 5 little guys are reserved for collection this weekend.
  8. Hi, Clearing space in my tank, all healthy and happily eats everything that floats Collection at Sembawang MRT, weekdays after 7.30pm. Will appreciate if anyone has turbo snails/frozen brine shrimps to give or exchange for the chromis, no time to visit any lfs... No worries if you don't. PM me and leave your contact number to confirm, thanks.
  9. For the northerners, there's one Sheng Shiong at Woodlands, just before the causeway.
  10. Kept a strawberry with 2 small blue tangs & a scooter before. Didn't really bully the tangs or clowns as they were constantly swimming around but the bugger targets the scooter, even though the scooter is far from it's territory. Practically chased it all over the tank. Gave it back to the shop... IMO, dottybacks are
  11. Don't worry too much the snails dying, quite hardy fellows. Depending on their mood, they'll help to eat algae from the glass & on the sand. In fact, now recuriting more for more for my cleaning crew My current ones are getting lazy....
  12. My two clowns also hangs around the top corner while sleeping... been doing that since I introduce them into the tank in July. Think they like the choppy water cos always see them 'smiling' while swimming in front of the water current
  13. Hi, Collection in sembawang. Looking for bicolor blenny(5-8cm), mandarin, chromis or snails. Won't mind a flame angel too Thanks.
  14. Thanks guys. Little fellow feeding happily and constantly staring at it's own reflection. Going nickname it The Fonz
  15. Hi all, Noted that my juvenile regal tang have it's fins raised permanently for quite a few days now. While it's little partner has no such problems. Both still leaving peacefully together. Just to ask, is this normal behavior or it just wants to have a new hairstyle... Thanks.
  16. Thanks for the Seios. Up for a honest & nice seller
  17. Thanks Red, Will probably give it a miss then.
  18. Hi, Going there tomorrow and had an impression there's one near Ikea... Anyone can confirm or I'm mistaken. Thanks.
  19. Just saw Japan Hour. The host just ate it raw... direct from the sea... If possible, take the rock out and get rid of the bugger... Satay stick works wonders
  20. Maybe next time can sell this 'rare' & 'unique' fish for a large sum... $1xx anyone Being able to see the bloody eye socket, quite yucky On a serious note, will try to maintain good quality water, at least for the next few days to prevent infection... So lesser feeding and cleaning the skimmer. (sounds like I actually know what am I doing..)
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