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Posts posted by Derek0925

  1. hehe ,.. looks like eating pratas soon :P

    Bro....Long time never see you and bro Shawn....

    Looking forward to see you guys.

    Is your tank ready to accept my warty frog? Enough space? Around 3 inch. White warty. Red patch. But the catch is you must help me give suggestion to set up my new 2ft frog tank.

    I wait for the new tank to stable and i will introduce small one. :lol:

  2. I think the chemical you are referring to is AZ NO3??

    my friend recommended.. so i went and bot a bottle last week

    I have a 2ft tank also ..20 gal water.. conditions are >50-100ppm no3 :o

    since i started midweek (last wednesday).. levels remained unchanged

    did a 20% change over the weekend (no3 dropped to 25-50ppm)

    by yesterday i had reached 1 short of max dosage recommendation (word of advice DON'T! :erm::( ) for 50-60gal tank ( 5.5ml..max being 8ml)

    yesterday nite all fish gasping.. so pump air for 2 hrs .. 2day 2 din make it.. morning test 25ppm no3

    this evening test again <12ppm no3 :D

    dotty RIP (good riddance :evil: killed 2 of my fire gobies, ate 2 yashias, ate 2 cleaners)

    boxer RIP :angel: (sigh 4 boxers RIP 3 due no3 4th due chemical to remove no3 :pinch: )

    test kit - tetra no3

    measured before work at 6am :heh:

    after work ..usually at nite

    chemical added nitely per instruction for 50-60gal tank..

    think follow the instructions should be good :paiseh:

    :thanks: for letting me rant

    same here bro.....i did as what you have done...

    saw all my fishy grasping for air....next day purple tang, powder black, powder blue, sailfin, yellow tang and blue face all up lorry.... :(:(

    left 1 blue tang pull thru

    So cautious before you dose......

  3. hi guys,

    i have been trying to find live rocks,,, wah .,,, damn hard to find,,, all small ones,,, lester,,, you were saying lck have is it???

    cos my side thefellow clean my live rocks,,, later some customer take and buy ,,, wah,,, owner not in shop,,, employee sold the rocks,,, wah lau,,, now cant find my rocks....

    help!!!!! :angry:


    go coral farm......big pieces of tonga branch and nice shape big piece live rock with coraline algae.....worth to invest bro....

    I also feel like buying.....

    Go and search for user KIM....he got big piece bought from coral farm.

    You may want to consider buying from him.....

  4. hey can somebody tell me where to get beginner's frogfish and their price? i went to pasir ris today...saw a nice black froggy going for 85 at ah beng. bought a lion from sentosa marine. i think it's time i get a cheap frogfish to observe them already...can anyone help me on this? thanks

    bro, go aquamarin and get a 2 inch normal cormasson at less than $20.....

    Try it and you will love it.... :D

    Not sure ask Guru Lester :lol:

    Or old bird Shawncel :lol:

  5. i cant relly see from the pic and its easier to just ask .

    is the overflow box bottom already drilled ? got connection to sump or gotta buy ur own ?

    ya lor.....bro...dun just upz upz leh.....

    I also want to know whether is it link between the tank and the sump.....


  6. derek,,, dun mind going with you guys,,, but mine trip will be paid by company.. heehee.... :) will arrange last by end this mth i will go....

    will bear in mind the Clown Frogfish aka Antennarius maculatus

    lester,,, not a problem,,, of course can.... just how many you want??? :whistle

    went to lck110,,, the orange one (big) ok only,,, abit rot on the mouth..

    most of the big frogfish all got abit damage here and there.... tink the quality of fish will be there in HK??? :eyeblur:

    haha bro. Hopefully the trip can be coincide with your business trip schedule.

    Btw, acidjazz will be leaving for hk today. Let him do market survey first....if worth then we plan our trip down.

    Btw, did you went to aquamarin just now?

  7. Bro,

    Maybe can look for something like this. - Clown Frogfish aka Antennarius maculatus...

    Sorry but me no frogfish expert, better consult shifu lester :bow:

    ah shawn....this frog fish is very cute....hard to get in spore.

    I heard hk got this breed....but you need to pay higher than what you normally pay in spore.

    How about 3 of us plan a fish shopping trip to HK :D

  8. Thanks, lester. :peace:

    How is your customised froggie tank coming along?

    Like wat u said, I may need it real soon when it gets larger.

    This fella quite active and so far only feeding it small ghost shrimps.. can't find any fish small enough for it. Looks like I need to go to seaside soon to catch small fishes for it.. :lol:

    hypervtec, bro. How now? Interested in getting your own frog fish.. :eyebrow:


    bro Shawn.....you count yourself DAMN lucky....cos if i were earlier by 3 hour last fri, this beauty will be now IN MY TANK INSTEAD OF YOURS.... :angry:

    Bro....really really very nice.....if you want to let go....please give me the priority.. :D I am willing to pay $1XX :ph34r::ph34r:

    Quick liao lor....let's go ahead with our frog fish tank liao lor. I went to see the tank maker with lester on sunday. Need your professional advise before i proceed...

    Anyway, it was a pleasant evening with you, lester and hyper on sat. I enjoyed so much c*ck talking session with you guys that i miss my EPL game.

    We should make it more regular to gossip.... :D:lol:

  9. Hey bro derek.. I dunno whether you should be doing your hypo on your PBT in that 1ft tank leh, unless your PBT is very small, I think you will probably kill the fellow by putting it in such a small tank.. PBT are fast swimmers and need alot of open space to swim or else they get very stress, not to mention esp. when you are trying to make it recover, not make it worse..

    bro, thanks for your valuable feedback.

    But i really got no other tank to do hypo treatment liao leh.....

    So far he is responding well to treatment....

    Will keep you update....

    Thanks bro....

  10. hehe no problem bro :D...

    u are always welcomed :P

    hehe but if u feels paisay.. next round kopi on you lor haha

    ok .. will try to get to it as fast as possible.. but cos currently on new job. lots of things to pick up and was quite buzy.. sorry :)

    btw i need the contacts u told me about the tankmaker ...

    hehe hope to see ur new frogs soon...

    cheers :D

    bro les.....what kopi.....

    I treat you eat dinner, go for a drink....but you a pak of marlboro :D

  11. I got 2 cleaner shimp....to date.... i only saw them once....that is the day i put them into the tank....off the reverse into the live rock and never ever seen again...

    could have been KIV, WIA or dun know what IA.....

    Waste my money.....never work......body never found.....

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