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Posts posted by Derek0925

  1. Hi!

    After feedbacks and comments from my Froggipani club members.....i have decided to heed their advise. 1ft tank without skimmer has no way for 2 pc of 4inch frog fish. As such, i am going to let go my two beauty and change to 1inch+ instead.

    1 Red

    1 white warty purple patch

    Both are very stable and feeding. For those interested bro, i will perform a live feed, watch them eat and convince before you take.

    For frog fish lover, this is a good size to keep. The red one is very red. Has been with me for 3mth+....colour doesn't seems to fade at all. The white one is very warty.

    No mouth rot, no cloudy eyes....warranty card will be given :)

    I have to let go both of them before i start my new collection.

    1 pc $85

    Take both $150

    If you have any questions, please feed free to PM me.

    PS - my froggipani member will have special discount if they interested.

  2. bro, if you interested, PM me your hp. I sms the two photos to you. Need your comment.

    Or not-so-safe hands. I'm really feeling uneasy about keeping big froggies now. If your nitrates shoot up to such dangerous levels, then maybe you should sell them. Two 5" frogfish in a 1ft tank may be just overcrowded.

    I have in the past religiously tested my tanks for nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and phosphates (not using the commercial kits sold in the LFS - more sophisticated than that. Testing 3 tanks took me 2 to 3 hours). Now I don't do it anymore cos ammonia is really difficult to do, and I doubt the efficacy of the ones they sell in the LFS. Nitrate fluctuates quite a bit, but still within tolerable limits. Nitrite is always low (0.0X) but I don't know whether it is a true reflection of what is happening in the tanks. Phosphate always remains at a certain level, and no matter how many water exchanges I make, it doesn't drop significantly, or even if it does, it will creep back to the same level in a short time.

  3. Bro Derek,

    What a waste to sell away your white and red warty. Not easy to find you know, especially the red one. You don't have any tank to place them?

    BTW, I feel that some of the equipment they sell on the market are essential if one wants to maintain a reef aquarium (complete with more colourful live rock and corals), and also if one doesn't want to have to change the water so frequently. Just ask bro angry - he only tops up his tank with freshwater and except for the feeding, he doesn't have to do much more than sit back on his chair to enjoy the fish. Unless, of course, you keep the fish density very low. My 2.5ft tank houses 2 seahorses, 2 one-inch scorpions, 1 juvenile mono, some bristle worms, some unidentified corals. The tank is solely for the seahorses, and the fish are in there cos they may be eaten by others if I place them in the 3ft tanks. I have been questioned by my use of undergravel filters - most people feel that they don't work. But they do - provided that they are able to support the load you want. If not, you will know from the deaths which occur in the tank. Like I said, I have few months where the fish are thriving happily - until I decided to add more fish, and then things happen - disease strikes, and some fish die.

    bro, if you interested, PM me your hp. I sms the two photos to you. Need your comment.

  4. Bro Derek,

    What a waste to sell away your white and red warty. Not easy to find you know, especially the red one. You don't have any tank to place them?

    BTW, I feel that some of the equipment they sell on the market are essential if one wants to maintain a reef aquarium (complete with more colourful live rock and corals), and also if one doesn't want to have to change the water so frequently. Just ask bro angry - he only tops up his tank with freshwater and except for the feeding, he doesn't have to do much more than sit back on his chair to enjoy the fish. Unless, of course, you keep the fish density very low. My 2.5ft tank houses 2 seahorses, 2 one-inch scorpions, 1 juvenile mono, some bristle worms, some unidentified corals. The tank is solely for the seahorses, and the fish are in there cos they may be eaten by others if I place them in the 3ft tanks. I have been questioned by my use of undergravel filters - most people feel that they don't work. But they do - provided that they are able to support the load you want. If not, you will know from the deaths which occur in the tank. Like I said, I have few months where the fish are thriving happily - until I decided to add more fish, and then things happen - disease strikes, and some fish die.

    Bro Synanceia,

    I m testing the limit of putting 2 pc of 5inch+ froggy in a 1ft tank. Without skimmer, just a overhead filter and 1+ inch DSB. The nitrate will shoot every 2-3 days to dangerous level. I must change change and change water. Very tedious and tired.

    The red one i bought $85. Now logically it should shoot up to $160 cos he eat up my 1inch+ yellow warty. :P:P

    The white warty looks like my avatar but not as cute cos it is 5inch+. Bought from Henry last thursday. Just settle down and start feeding....

    Actually wanted to check whether are you interested in both of them cos i know they will be under a safe pair of hand if you take it.

    Once these two are sold, I m going to proceed with 5 to 6 pc of 1 inch+ one instead. :yeah::yeah:

    If not, then i will carry on with these two cos i agree with you, red are rare and costly.....

  5. Hi bro,

    It's not that I don't want to, or that I cannot afford to. The amount of $ I have spent so far can easily buy 3 of your kind of system, or even more. Hear me out.

    I grew up in a humble family where money is tight, where even a fish costing 60 cents is expensive to me. From young, I either keep fish which I caught myself in the drains, or fish that cost equal to or less than 30 cents a piece (that was in the 1980s). My fish tanks were plastic containers that were translucent at the sides, hence the only view was from the top. I don't even have an airpump, since I can't afford one, and the electricity consumption will add to the burden of my family.

    I stopped keeping fish when I was in JC, and briefly kept some while in NS. That was when I came across marine fish, and I bought my first glass tank on a stand (the money came from my NS pay and private tuition). However, whichever article or book I read, the recommended setup is always prohibitively expensive. I read all the fish magazines and articles I could find, and decided to start with lionfishes (because they are simply beautiful). I also decided that I will try my best to use a system which requires the miminum amount of money. Call me stubborn or stupid (or both), but I decided then that being poor does not forbid a person to own a marine aquarium and beatiful marine fish.

    I only started to realise my goal after I returned from my overseas study. The effort was intensified after I got married and have my own flat. I tried for 5 years, and eventually came up with a system which is cheap, but rather labour intensive. One cannot have the best of both worlds. However, if the bioload is small, it is still possible to have a cheap system with reduced labour, which I have found in my 2.5 ft tank. This tank is also able to support some corals, because the fish density is very low.

    The choice of my first fish also helped considerably. Ambush predators require less frequent feeding, and target feeding means that little uneaten food is left to rot in the tank. I found out about scorpionfishes and froggies, and they became part of my stable colony.

    So, this is how I started, and I can say that I am near to my goal. Eventually, I will also buy the optimum system which most aquarists should have.

    bro Synanceia, enjoyed reading your autobiography.....a humble and modest upbringing.

    Look forward to meet you one day....

    I came from a not really well to do family.... keeping fishes and buying equipments and electricity consumption was not a luxury things i can afford when i was younger. Now that i m working, move to a new house, i wanted to fulfill my dreams to keep a marine tank.....

    I always ask myself "do we really need to spend a bomb to start a marine tank"? or all those expensive equipments are nothing but gimmick. I m knew to this marine hobby but i am still exploring whether is it possible to do a reliable setup without the need to spend too much. Now that i have come across someone whom believe and has actually done it, i look forward to learn from you. .....

  6. sorry bro....my 4ft by 2.5ft by 2ft use which model is prefered?

    RIO and Ehiem.

    Btw, i am using a china brand pump and i believe due to its heat dissipation, it cos my temp to raise from 29 to 32.

    Will using RIO or Ehiem reduce the deficit?

    Thank you.

  7. Well, at least I won't be getting anymore big froggies, and I think I am quite done with the smaller froggies (although I am looking for one more orange and red warty or pictus).

    So, I won't be crowding anybody out of the froggies market anymore... ;):look:

    bro, i am sorry to hear about your frog fish mishap :(

    they were really beauty especially the red warty you bought from ah beng.

    Bro, you say you will stop buying big frog fish....but how big is your big?

    How big is your tank and you house how many frog fish in it? Equipment leh?

    After hearing forumer told me you principal of "keeping fishy happy very the need of investing expensive equipment" , i m working toward this objective too :D:D

    Need to learn from you.

    Call me a sadist if you want....tell you the truth, i actually felt more relieved and console after hearing your frog fish oso can died. I blamed myself for "killing" 3 frog fish so far due to my incompetency and inexperience. Total Destruction $200+. Toying with the idea of giving up......but on hearing even expert also will fail does motivate me :

    To err is human............

    I m keeping two 4inch+ frog fish in my 1 ft tank using normal overflow filter without skimmer. Wanted to sell my orange one to lester to downsize....but when i come home and look at it....always so reluctant. I very scare the water will crush sooner or later....

  8. Gives me an idea. Maybe I should tell all the LFS to sell me all their froggies once they arrive in Singapore, then sell to the froggies-die-hard fans at cost price +$10 for the less colourful ones, and cost price + $20 for the more colourful ones. :evil:

    No lah, I not so bad. ;)

    I didn't buy the red froggy. Who bought it? Better own up fast...my reputation at stake.

    Ya....who bought it please own up!

    Or else we will assume the culprit is Bro Synanceia! Lester please confirm synanceia's address. WE BREAK IN! :pirate::pirate:

    Bro, i suppose you dun have the black frog fish. Wakai got 1 nice one. Are you interested?

    Bro, i heard some reefer told me you are a expert in exotic and odd ball fishy and you against all odds can keep fishy happy and healthy without the need to invest in expensive equipment yet.

    Look forward to learn from you.

  9. hi bro :D

    you mean the frogfish at bedok? .. hehe

    went ML yesterday... bro Synanceia took the last two frogfish :) he was eariler than me by 2 hours :D

    cheers :D

    bro Synanceia monopolise that frog fish market liao....wondering is the red warty one also took by him?

    Which bro bought the red one....care to show yourself? It was a gem. Simply beautiful.

    Bro o bro lester. It was a waste. 1 of them was very nice. I very keen to take....except i got no more room for another one.

    Bro synanceia...can we go your place to view your immaculate collection??

    Sure damn power........

  10. club name

    1) FrogFish clan

    2) grimfrogier

    3) Froggyhollywood

    4) Froggipani

    5) Frog, stock and barrel :)


    The list of members

    1) Lester

    2) shawncel ( haha bro you dun have a choice.. i put you in liao )

    3) Derek0925 ( hehe bro hope u dun mind )

    4) NavIgatoR

    5) Synanceia

    6) Acidjazz (hahaha bro i put your name in - Derek)



    hehe maybe a t-shirt with a frogfish would be cool ?? :P just thinking :)

    cheers :)

    bro neokn cannot leave out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r::ph34r:

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