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  1. I tried market prawn and even frozen bloodworms, but the shrimp will just fiddle with the food with its front legs for a while and throw it away after a few secs.
  2. Hi fellow reefers! I've added a skunk cleaner shrimp to my tank and its been 3 days already yet it has shown absolutely no interest in the pellet and flake foods i throw in to the tank.. it is also always at the same piece of rock and i've never seen it step away from that piece of rock before. I keep it with a tomato clownfish in a cycled 2ft tank and as far as i can see, they do not pay any attention to each other at all. So i'm wondering, anyone has the same experience before? is there anything i can do to make it start eating? Any suitable food i can try to feed it or is target feeding necesary? And finally, how long can these little critters last w/o food? I've read that skunk shrimps are usually very outgoing creatures, and among the first to respond during feeding times and always looking to clean their tankmates. Any comments are welcome!
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