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Posts posted by zehuan

  1. My family never hired a maid before but my girlfriend's family has one.

    Everytime I go her house I would see the maid doing this, doing that way until quite late at night and she would have to wake up at 6 in the morning the next day. Sometime she would get scolded for some small particular matters. There was even one time when she fell asleep standing up while she was ironing the clothes !! Luckily nothing happened as my gf discover it and she only got a scolding.

    I feel that it is hard for someone who to go to a foreign country and suddenly be able to do what is expected of her. That's why I dont think I would want to get a maid next time when I have a family.


  2. thanks bro, will look into in...

    is there any way to get out of the loop without having money in the first place or to be to get the perfect business system? Do we have to follow what most Singaporean do everyday? :cry:

    cant really imagine I will be a still money slave till the day I am fifty years old...

  3. Since we are on this topic about money, just want to share with u guys on something that someone taught me a few years back.

    Somehow it leave me a very deep impression. Dont think I can recall everything but I tried my best to explain everything. It is open for discussion though as nothing is flawless.

    Somehow as a Singaporean I always wonder what is my purpose in life? To study hard to get into a good Uni and get a good job with a good pay? To get a wife and give birth to 4 babies for the good course of the Government? To wait for retirement so as to collect the pension so that I can go holiday with my wife or carry on working if I dont have enough or my kids decided not to support me?

    Are u working for money or is money working for u?


    I call this picture the box. Basically it is divided into 4 different square boxes namely, Employed, Self-Employed, Own-Business and Investment.

    Employed is somehow the status that most of us are in, meaning you are working for somebody. Eg, the government, private bank, etc..

    Self-Employed is that u own a small business of your own, which means that u are the boss but so small that there are only about 1 or 2 person working under u.

    Own-Business is when u evolve from Self-Employed to hiring more people to work for u.

    Investment is u invest in trust funds, shares, businesses that make u a board of director, etc.

    Now we are getting into the interesting part:

    The first 2 green box is where u are working for money. U toll day and night to meet dead line, get pissed-off by boss, etc. Basically u are still getting a SALARY

    The next 2 blue box is where money is working for u. U hire many workers to work for u and u make the decision on which project to undertake. U make the decision and u are making money to work for u. It can also be investment where u invest in shares when the company grows, dividends are paid to shareholders.

    I believed that we should be inspired to be in the Blue sector although it is not always the easy case. If you are in the green sector, the risk is lower but the return is also lower. If you are in the Blue sector the return is higher but the risk is also higher.

    So think about it, see where u are now and decided where u want to go. No one is too old to do anything.

    Ray Kroc only started Macdonald when he was 52 years old. I will end with a phrase that he said which is quite true

    "if you are green means that you are growing, but if you are ripe means that u are beginning to rot. I am always green."


  4. However, I think the addition of the casino's will be a very bad move. Petty crime will rise as a result... hopefully not too much.

    Fully agreed. But I think that it is a desperate move by the Government to boost the economy. No other choice really.

    I think crime rate and the state of our economy are very much inversely proportional. When the economy is bad, people become jobless and resort to crime. Vice verse.

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