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Everything posted by jewelking

  1. hmm.. don't think the primary purpose of the garlic is to entice the flavour. Garlic is used primary for the enhancement of immune system for the fishes. However, not all fishes will consume fresh chopped garlic. So, you can also get those Garlic socking solution sold in LFS. Soak the fish food stuff in the garlic solution for around 10min and then feed. As for my fishes, i use finely chopped fresh garlic and mixed with mysis or brine shrimp, together with seaweed.
  2. Black patches on false percula is quite common. This is due to unfamilarity of the host (anemonies or corals) that they are subjected to. I read this over a scientific article when my clarkii n false percula has patches on them as well. However, it's not health threatening. So. no worries
  3. Anyone who is selling the above. please offer. thks !
  4. sump with overflow piping provided?
  5. your 3ft T5 4x24W lighting still available ?
  6. the curved cornet tank is the photo shown on earlier posting or this is another separate tank ? any cabinet ? thks !
  7. What's your tank size ? Interested....
  8. from chemistry point of view, two possibilities : 1. Should have add antichlorine to the water before mixing in the salt. 2. Precipitation resulted from the calcium that you added.
  9. wat's wrong to use hands ? Think nothing wrong if you rinsed and soaked them well enough.
  10. Once the anemone has detached and floating, it's quite tough to get it recover.
  11. your brown tang also means powder brown right ? Do you mean that you already have a powder brown in your current tank ?
  12. What's the dosing like ? generally for Amino acid supplements ... Is the Zoxan Two also a type of amino acid supplements ? Seen this product but didn't try it.
  13. Anyone has any successful stories on such additives ? and what brand ? thanks !
  14. your tank cycle long enough already ? You just got your new filter right ?
  15. Guessed you dun need worry too much then. If all sand from every marine shop, the same, most likely it's some other thing beside iron steel. As i suspected, if it is really iron steel that is magnetic, all would be rusty by now.
  16. Think Ginza Plaze also got one marine shop.
  17. huh ? You bought 1 fish on your setting up period ? Poor fish. most likely it will not survive in hours. Your tank will need cycling period of mininum 1week. preferably a period of 3weeks.
  18. for me, I start of daily with a cube of brine or mysis shrimp together with sea-weed. manual feeding will enable the food being fed in small portion such that the fishes are able to consume them before turning to waste in your filter system. subsequently, i leave the feeding to 3 intervals period (at noon, late afternoon and night) using auto-feeder. I set the auto-feeder to lowest amount of food such that the fishes will able to have some snacks and yet won't be over-fed.
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