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Trigger Queen

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Posts posted by Trigger Queen

  1. how long have you had it b4 you wean it to pellets?

    maybe malnutrition? not enough meaty food.

    Triggers need meaty food. there was a period of time when one of my triggers became short-sighted due to lack of meaty food. had to specially feed it meaty diet for about 2 weeks and it regain its 'perfect eyesight'

    sorry about your loss. :(

  2. It's comforting to know that the trigger is in good hands and a pleasant surprise to know that it's able to accept the CS as a buddy as it USED to eat freshwater shrimps! :P

    btw that trigger doesn't mind damsels and fishes of that size.. my juv emperor and damsels were its best buddies!

    it used to spit at me when i approached the tank, begging for food!

    keep us updated.. thanks.. really miss that guy.

  3. Trigger + Lion = :(

    Chances of trigger (esp clown) attacking and nipping the lion is high.

    i keep my clown trigger with 3 other triggers, tangs and angels.

    it leaves the others alone but will get irritated by their presence during feeding time. i really don't know when my clown trigger will turn psychotic and viciously attack the rest. :pinch:

    clown trigger has bad attititude. they will (most probably) attack the other fishes as they age and will not tolerate their presence

    but they are such great fishes: the color, the personality!

  4. if you meant 'dominoe but with a tinge of yellow on its belly and fin', then yes CF has them. I LOVE them :yeah: but they harbour the temperaments of all damsel :evil: ... btw, they are from Hawaii so cost much more then ordinarys.. i think cost around $20 plus plus

  5. i keep mine (3triggers) with angels and tangs and they are by far the model citizens :angel: in my tank! (the gangsters are my angels!!! :evil: )

    but i have a clown trigger which i am keeping a close watch as it is mixing with bad company. <_< and i dunno when it will go ballistic

    i also have another trigger in another tank who only detests bigger fishes but leaves the small fishes alone!


    the undulate is supposedly one of the meanest triggers around.

    and triggers love to pick on lions! so not advisable to keep lions and triggers together.

    just my 2cents.. :)

  6. i think '######' Naso are more expensive.

    i bought my fat naso from a very reputable lfs, so i don't mind paying a bit more as it was healthy and feeding on gourmet food.

    and i read somewhere that not all will develop streamers, only the male?

    i am still keeping my fingers cross that my naso will develop nice long streamers .. (unless my triggers think they are yummy worms)

  7. half way through my holiday, my sis (our fish-sitter) informed us that my harlequinn tusk committed suicide! :cry::cry: (maid forgot to cover tank properly)

    she even mms me a photo of my very dead but fat n beautiful fish!

    i can't even make it back for the funeral!! :(

    i think the happiest must be my pink-tail trigger.... coz it hated that fellow.

    may he rest in tusk heaven and eat bristleworms and crustacean everyday...

  8. I am sure I will like every part about part 3 but for one detail.. LEon Lai.. Don't understand why cast himĀ  <_<

    ditto that ;)<_<

    why him.. now he spoils the whole movie for me!

    his expression range is 0.01!! these are his expressions as follows:

    :huh: happy

    :huh: sad

    :huh: angry

    :huh: puzzled

    :huh: betrayed

    :huh: excited

    :huh: romantic

  9. i love to buy vcds but many still remain in their wrappers... so many till don't even know i have those titles.. :P:D its an illness!

    love war movies.. full metal jacket. black hawk down. vietnam trilogy.

    love epic movies

    love foreign films.

  10. my dwarf lionfish jumped out of its tank TWICE... still curious how that fat fish can jump out of the tank! :look:;)

    my humu jumped once.. coz too eager to eat...

    my valentini puffer also jumped once (and its last) :cry2: .. coz it happened when no one's home!!

    my dragon wrasse also did it once .. when no one's home but managed to 'revive' it. :P

    i have alot of jumpy and dumb fishes.. :P

  11. I was so sad and devastated when my flame hawk (been with me since forever) committed suicide about a month and a half ago!!!! :cry2::cry2: ...

    The hawk i got from princess (love her purple hair!!!! :whistle:D ) is small but so cute and curious and able to hold its own against the big guys and thank god all ignore it... :P

    i think i will name it 'Princess'- coz its so fiesty and cute.. :lol::lol:

    (thanks for the great fish.. its eating but still abit shy...)

  12. Eh thought blue linkia are rather delicate and hard to keep although i have one

    look here


    dear DA,

    please read the first thread properly <_<<_< ,

    planetg wants to hear personal experience from fellow hobbyist rather than get the 'standard' answers from websites and books... :upsidedown: so thanks for showing me the link but i wont bother reading it ..... :P:P:D:D:lol::lol:

    that's what makes this hobby so interesting coz its full of surprises and challenges... and in my experience, the blue linkia and choc chip are the easiest to keep... :P and the marble kind too...... :rolleyes:

  13. chocolate chip and blue linkia are the easiest to keep. i have my choco chips for more than a year.

    But the choco chip is not reef safe and it eats OTHER starfish (esp those pretty and expensive ones!!!!!) :angry::angry: caught them red handed few times to confirm my suspicions...!!!! :cry2:

    the blue linkia is ok... but mine hides alot fhe first few months.

  14. :bow:

    Nice..Seems you have a number of triggers, do they attack!

    they don't fight.... i am still keeping my fingers cross on the clown trigger. :P it grew fast and is kind of a loner.. nearly the size of my bursa trigger now.

    ironically, the triggers are the most well-behaved fishes in my tank.. unlike the angels and tangs.. <_<:pinch:

  15. Latest Update..onli Majestic Angel Left :lol:

    the majestic is not too big, and is a beautiful fish. :whistle

    the colors are striking and will make an impressive centrepiece. :yeah:

    it was my centrepiece. sad to let it go but must cut down on bio load and prepare room for my bb triggers... :P

    it feeds on everything!! and has NEVER been ill despite several moving attempts and harrassment from a bigger ex-angel. very hardy fellow.

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