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Trigger Queen

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Posts posted by Trigger Queen

  1. IMO it depend on what trigger you plan or keeping... most likely the answetr is no unless your trigger is those docile kind and are of ard the same size as maroon

    Yup. Triggers like blue-chin, pink-tail, sufflamen species are 'supposedly' more peaceful. triggers like picasso and black patch are also ok.

    but many factors come into play too. size n order of introduction.

    won't be surprise if a moroon clown wack a trigger. :eyebrow:

  2. don't underestimate size of the lion's mouth...

    i had a small fuzzy dwarf lion and woke up one morning and saw a yellow 'tongue' sticking out from its mouth... and realised it WAS my damsel!!!

    (it ate 2 of my damsels before i trained it to feed on shrimps)

    dun feed them feeder fishes...feed shrimps, chopped 'seafood'.... keep ur lions happy and well-fed and most probably they will leave ur fishes alone...

    keep with bigger fishes and peaceful fishes as lions are quite reclusive and gentle creatures.

  3. when I saw the drawf lion, I tik wah maz..

    so small seow.. hehe..

    btw, dead anemone? din remember your

    tank got one leh..? or is it some veri long

    past issues..?

    sorrie to bring upz the pain.. hehe..  :P

    opps.. sorrie .. sob..sob..

    coz of my curious triggers who kept nipping the fins, so 'long pang' deep blue tank... but... the chiller got stuck, anemone died and wipe out his entire tank of fishes including my lions!!!!! :cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2::cry2:

    heart still pain till now...

    dun worry la.. i dun anyhow appear at ple's tank with 'angel fish' ... unless.... :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

  4. i had one.. really LOVE it but chiller broke down=dead anemone=dead lion. :cry2:

    mine love live/dead/frozen/dried shrimp.

    mine not shy at all. ver friendly. whenever i walked past the tank, will follow me around the tank, trying to catch my attention-wagging its tail and begging for food. will not stop acting cute and pathetic till i fed it or moved far far far away from the tank! very funny and cute :D:D:D

    behave actually like a dog, that's why i called it 'doggy'. :D:D

    my volitan not as friendly though...but will come when i have food (it was also killed by dead anemone)

    won't bite but must keep a watchful eye when hand is in the tank.

    bwilly, if u want a lion, keep a fuzzy dwarf!! though not as majestic looking as volitan etc... but its the most adorable and has the friendliest disposition.

    price of the lion should be less than $10

    i still want another dwarf lion.........

  5. triggers personality are hard to predict. most will find lions' fins tempting to snack or bite. i had 2 lions whose fins were constantly nipped at.. no harm done but just frustrating to see flawed fins.

    dazza, u have a big tank that also aid to reduce aggression.

    btw, dwarf lions are the most adorable and puppy-like fish.

    my dwarf lion thinks that it is a dog and behave like one (until it was killed by a dead anemone)

  6. hey angel and triggers are known to make grunting sound when they are upset..... One very good example is humum humu picasso

    i know triggers make grunting noises... all my triggers do, esp when lifted out of water... will grunt loudly and spit at me to show displeasure. :D:D

    but hearing angels making noises was the first for me.... :shock::shock:

    learning and 'hearing' new things every day.. engaging hobby

  7. so when one hammie escapes...

    trigger queen : deep blue...hammie no. 3 has escape!!!

    deep blue : huh? which is hammie no. 3??

    Trigger queen : dat one with the blackish tail...

    deep blue : i tot dats hammie no. 7??

    Trigger queen : NO! dats hammie no. 3..

    deep blue : who ask u to name all of them hammie?

    next scene : deep blue kneeling on bottle caps and pulling ears.


    sori...i damn boh liaoz at home...


    hey dialoblus... how you know huh??? :D:D

    but not bottle caps la.. now glass bottled drinks expensive leh..

    i will just dangle a coral eating fish (esp angels...) over his tank and THREATEN.... :evil:

    "find now or the fish feast!"

    "buy me a big present or the fish feast.. on your lovely corals, ricordeas,brains..."

    muah hahahahhahahhaha..

    very effective. :D:D:D:D:D:D:P:P:P:P

  8. 'Pia Chui' is Hokkien for 'throw water'. ;)

    oic :P:P:P

    ya lor.... the ganster angel now got one stylo slash/scar across its body. <_<

    deep blue was upset with my pink-tail !! :angry::angry: . think is time for pink tail to pack bag! <_<:erm::erm: .

    but i think the angel 'deserve' it (or-bi) :P;)

    but i also cannot stand the chasing....

    after 10mins of releasing the tang, its now separated and the angel is behaving again.

  9. hey, my flame angle is named 'Flamie'!!! :P

    and my terrier was named 'doggie'!

    (he is now in doggy heaven. :angel: bless him)

    and all my hamsters were named 'hammies' (after the 8th one, sianz liao) :snore:

    who says u must be 'creative' with names... :):P:D:nc::nc:

  10. another weird /frustrating fish behaviour......

    after much consideration, finally bought a strawberry dottyback. :)

    think for very long coz very worried what my triggers and angels will do to it. ;)


    all my triggers left it alone, all my angels left it alone, the tang left it alone :D

    in short, all fishes bigger than it ignored it!


    the stupid puny damsel chased (and i suspect still is) it relentlessly! :(:cry2::angry::angry:

    now the dottyback MIA liao :(:(

    stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid evil damsel :evil:

    (but still love them)

  11. juz some interesting observations to share.....

    I just added a powerbrown tang in my tank and.....

    my pink tail trigger just 'look see' ,ignore it completely!


    my juv blue-face angel went to confront it and started making LOUD GROWLING NOISES!! like a dog!! :o:o:o:ooh::ooh::ooh::ooh:

    anyone has heard your angels making loud growling noise??


    when the angel started to chase the tang, the pink tail went after the angel!! as if it is protecting the tang OR reminding the puny angel that "YO, i am the boss here and if i say the tang stays, IT STAYS!" :ooh::ooh::ooh: .

    so, everytime the angel chase the tang, the trigger snap at the angel!

    weird packing order :erm:

  12. Hi,

    I've got 4 triggers in my 3 feet tank, there are happyily living with each other.

    I've got a Niger, Bursa, Blue Jaw and Picasso, do u think i can get a clown or queen trigger? Will they get along?

    Thanks. :)

    how big are your triggers?

    triggers get big fast.... 3 feet too small for 4 + 1 triggers...

    (even my 4 feet will get too small for my triggers soon... :( ) )

    i got my clown trigger (abt 1-2 inch) and was lucky that my other triggers ignored it, though they were bigger. :lol: my triggers are like yours, very sociable. but my baby clown is able to hold its own and i fear what it will be like when its grown up. :shock:

    your triggers are classified as 'mildly aggressive' (but the niger is always a surprise) my niger was simply HORRID and was only respectful of my pink-tail. my niger killed my damsel and clown fish!!

    what other fishes u have in the tank?

    triggers get more aggressive and territorial as they aged, so i recommend u shelf the idea of adding the clown trigger, or if u really want to, add a small one and be prepared for a bigger tank soon :heh::heh: (got excuse to upgrade!)

    btw, think of the bio load.. :sick::sick:

    and definitely DON"T even THINK of a QUEEN trigger unless u wanna give it a big tank all to herself. (i can only dream of a queen trigger :snore::snore: )

    i am not looking forward to the day when my darling triggers start drawing boundaries in my tank..... no $$$ to upgrade...

    good to know that there are other trigger lovers out there.... :D

    hope it was of help

  13. anyone with experience keeping a royal dottyback??? (those common and cheaper one, not the expensive royal grammas)

    are they aggressive? do they nip fin? are they bold? (ie, dun hide often)? comaptibility with other bigger fishes?

    interested in keeping one. been thinking about it for a looong time. love their eyes and coloration.

    thanks. :)

  14. we just bought a royal gramma recently.. :D

    but while flipping through a 'marine textbook' we found that its more likened to the brazillian gramma, more pastel/sweeter colors.

    the coloration of the royal gramma is more similar to the royal dottyback (dunno if i got name right) and the separation of the yellow and purple is more distinct than the brazillian.

    anyone can clarify? does it mean the brouhaha over the recent shipment of 'royal grammas' is actually 'brazillian gramma'. or r they the same. someone please enlighten? thanks


  15. btw,

    all the fishes in my tank co-exists rather peacefully.

    the triggers are well-behaved. (use to 'cane' them when they were young when they bully others). :D:)

    the tangs are sociable.

    the only aggression:

    my lemon peel will 'push' the flame angel and the harlequinn tusk will chase the blue-chin <_< , but the majestic will stand up for all and chase the harlequinn and keep it in line :D

    though my fishes are all mad / aggressive fishes, the aggressions negate each other and somehow a balance is achieved. heng.........

  16. if yours is a picasso, your trigger belongs to the Rhinecanthus family. they are of medium aggression (but again, varies from fish to fish)

    if you just bought it, it might be hiding/stress, that's why its wedging itself. any other fish in the tank?

    generally, triggers are highly curious and greedy creatures, it should be out in a day or 2 unless threaten by something else.

    how big is it? triggers NEED meaty food. pellets and brine shrimps aren't enough. and definitely no flake food for them.

    i feed mine shrimps (sometime live, sometimes chopped). they love mussels, clams etc....

    if your trigger has a pinch-in tummy, that's not good news. but be careful not to overfeed. they have no concept of a 'full stomach'.

  17. My tank 1


    clown, black-patch, picasso and blue chin with


    lemon-peel, flame and majestic with


    purple and kole

    (i know got many fish... pls dun scream at me.... so far the bio-load is still manageable, that's y must do weekly h20 change :pinch::pinch::rolleyes: )

    my tank 2:

    pink tail + juv blue-face angel

    i had a niger once (small specimen) but it was a terror! it attacked all other fishes (including the clown, picasso which was bigger than it!) it was only 'respectful' of the pink-tail. . had to take it out n put it in another tank! :angry:

    triggers have varied and surprising personalities. they do not behave according to the 'book'. so whatever the book says is only 'stereo-typing'. i had a clown trigger which was sweet and docile.(it allows me to pat it!! so does my picasso)

    whether the mix will work depends on the indiv personality, their size and the order they are intro.

    generally, triggers will leave angels and tangs alone but will be hostile towards other triggers, esp their own kind.

    i posted some comments on triggers on another thread (started by gatecrasher "i bought a trigger in the 'new to marine ....')

    triggers have great and unpredictable personalites. that's why i find them intriguing and fun yet frustrating. :rolleyes:

    hope this helps

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