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Trigger Queen

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Posts posted by Trigger Queen

  1. BTW,

    i really hope LFS will stop labelling 'niger triggers' / 'red-tooth triggers' as 'queen triggers'. :( unless... i'm wrong

    but each is beautiful in their own crazy way :evil::evil: ..... :)

    i had a niger trigger (according to the 'book', its a medium aggressive fih) who was a real terror (worse than my undulate and clown triggers!!!) it will bite all fishes, even the other triggers except the pink-tail.... strange..... though the pink-tail can't be bothered with it.

    and i had a dominoe damsel who simply adore the pink-tail, will stick to it 24hrs.

    i had a 4" clown trigger who was very sweet and docile.

    had a blue-line once who was also docile and stupid.

    (unfortunately both died of cynaide-poisoning mths after i bought it)

    thats why, triggers are totally unpredictable and such exciting and exasperating fishes to keep.

    i want a queen trigger... :cry2::cry2::cry2:

  2. If its a Picasso Trigger, then the aggressive level is lower than the clown, undulate, queen. how big is yours? But triggers are highly unpredictable. i have a pink-tail which is supposedly docile but it simply needs to be king in my tank!! had to take it out and out it in another tank! <_<

    it is now living with my juv blue-face and leaves it alone as long as the blue face 'kow-tao' to it.

    triggers can be mixed with bigger fishes (and aggressive) like angels, tangs, basses. BUT definitely not lion-fish (it will toy with its fin), puffers, boxfish as these fishes are too slow to get to the food.

    currently, i have 4 triggers in one tank, mix with angels, tangs and hawkfish

    saw the queen triggers at LCK last weekend...... :yeah::yeah::yeah:

    too bad i dun have the space for it... had to tear myself away from the tank.

    triggers are great personality fish! :D

    DA, not online recently coz very BZ

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