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Posts posted by mansiz

  1. What are the 8 fishes you have? If they are big fishes like tang, then you will not be able to bring your NO3 to 0 no matter how many times you change the water. Actually the purpose of a sump tank is to hold more water for your whole aquarium set up, besides that, more water = nutrients spread and thus less build up. The sump can also hold unwanted to seen equipment like skimmer, fr, cr, and you can create a deep sand bed also. Btw some bros planted caulerpa (including myself) in the sump tank and it really helps reduce my NO3 to very low levels. Plus the help of a giant clam. Water change by DI/RO water is recommended, but the amount you change every time is too frequent and too much already. You may stress the LS out, especially corals. Did you check your Ph fluctuation before and after change? If Ph drops by 2 - 3, then you will have to stop doing it, as this can be more harmful than NO3. Btw the sump tank is not suppose to put any fishes in, if you fill up both main and sump tank, then I think the sump tank would not help much in maintaining good water parameter. :lol:

  2. I think what he meant by reserve is that water from another tank, probably he swap water from main tank to reserve tank, vice versa.

    Btw if you want to keep a mandarin, you have to set something such that only a few goes up to the main tank at a time, and make sure the mandarin gets to eat it instead of other fishes. Because if you just dump all pods into the tank with the mandarin, they will finish all the pods very very fast. :lol:

  3. You are asking us or answering? Haha, cas at 1st you started off with a question, then later you answer it. Haha. :lol: Btw what type of skimmer are you using? Venturi or needle wheel? Needle wheel type will sure create a lot of noise. Thats why to place them in the sump and shut off your cabinate door is the best. If you prefer to switch off the skimmer, I don't think thats a good idea, but if really no choice, then probably switch off for 8 hrs should be ok. But be sure to check that no large Ph fluctuation. :D

  4. If I'm not wrong, the food itself is called "spiruzina". Heard that it is one of the food that contains high level of spirulina, which is very essencial and helps brighten up the colour of fishes. You try search through the net. As I think they sell it online. :lol: But bear in mind that it is in powder form. Thus its quite difficult to direct feed it to fishes.

  5. Wow bro bob, no wonder your plants looks so nice. :P Mine I just gave them a FL, but 24/7. But if I were to put some of it in my main tank, which have a 250 watt MH, do you think it will be too strong for them? My tank is 2 ft dept. And I have 1 yellow tang, 1 purple tang and 1 blue tang, do your think they will eat fern caulerpa? They can finish one whole rock of red bamboo in one day, so wondering if fern is safe. Oh ya, and will fern attack corals?

  6. I can't see the pic clearly, but from what you described, it sounds like bristle worms. Don't touch it because it can sting and can cause swallon to fingers. Put it in your sump or throw away, it's up to you. But they do have some help to the live sand. But don't put it together with live stocks. :lol:

  7. Hi bros, I'm wondering what causes LPS corals like (octo, hammer, bubbles, torch) to melt away? Because most of the time when someone ask about why their corals melt off, they would get the reply of brown jelly diseases. But what could be some of the possible reasons that corals melt off? I know that it could be due to certain factors, like PH, NO3, PO4. Are there other factors that causes it? For lighting I think the most it will cause them to bleach right? Hope to get some points here so that we could forcus on that factors instead of letting them die off one after another.

  8. Oh thats cool. Thats the grape that I bought last time but I was'nt able to keep them for long. But now my fern are growing more and more, like bushes, haha. So for e.g. PO4, will they release the phosphate back to the water or they will convert them to gaseous and release out of the tank? Btw your fern looks healthy, do you give them lots of current? What type of lighting are you using? :lol:

  9. Hi Bro Bob. Mine one is fern. Then if i have to aviod trimming, do I still need to harvest? Or I can just leave them there? Is there such a thing that once they got or store enough nutrients, they stop taking in? Do you have any pictures of grape caulerpa? Cas last time I use to have them, they are a lot more expensive than the fern type, thats why I bought the fern. But the grape type like cannot last long ler, one month becomes white liao. :lol: Btw, my T8 white light is on 24/7 for the plants (in the sump). Is it ok?

  10. It is alright if you drip it drop by drop, prabably 3 secs per drop. But if you pour everything in, you will kill everything in your tank.

    They should be drip at night as PH is lower, but for my case, my lights are on from 6pm to 12am, so bros, should I drip during the day?

  11. Kalkwasser powder when mixed with water is actually a solution use for maintaining calcium level. But they cannot be poured into the tank straight away due to their high PH. You will have to drip it. Some people have high level of evporation rate, so dripping of kalkwasser actually helps to replenish the level of water evaporated and maintaining the calcium as well. It also helps the skimmer to perform better, maybe some bros can help to explain on this part, I only know that one element from the kalkwasser will bond with PO4, and thus remove them through the skimmer, and PO4 level will actually decrease. :lol:

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