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Posts posted by mansiz

  1. Using caps means you are furious and kind of talking loudly or speaking in a rude manner. :lol: Try not to use it unless you are very angry or keyboard spoilt. :lol:

    Yes bro, you can place your chaeto in the floating plastic stuff, butare you using MH? If they are not acclimatise to high level of lighting, they may bleach.

  2. Better to reduce your temp with a chiller, invert and corals are quite sentitive to temp changes. I assume that your 30 DegreeC is these few days right? Because we're still in the north-east monsoon season, thats why room temp is quite low, around 28 DegreeC, but what if the room temp rises again? You tank will be around 31.5 DegreeC. Better to invest in a chiller.

  3. Since you are keeping mostly softies, then I would suggest you create a whole environment for soft corals. Maybe you can add one elephant ear or leather species. How big is you tank? And like bros mentioned, what live stock you keep and what equipment you have can greatly help in choosing what corals is suitable for you.

  4. Yes turbo snails are reef safe. But most people don't like this snail it's because they tend to knock corals over while they are grazing for algaes on the rocks. I'm not sure whether they are safe with clams though. But be aware of their safety if you have hermit crabs. Normally they won't attack seaweeds, but I'm not very sure either. From my experience, I have a whole lot of caulerpa with lots of snails in the sump tank, but the plants are growing well. The snails are just interested in the algaes presence on the tank glass.

  5. Yup, before you buy it, you should have check their requirement. You can choose blue or red star fish, but blue is cheaper. Maybe during chinese new year then you buy a red one for them, hehe. But one bad thing about these shrimps is that they sometimes killed the starfish before starting to devour it, which can cause pollution to the water. But if you got a pair of good ones, then they will slowly eat one arm by arm.

  6. You do not need to cycle again. But the LRs that you got must be already cycled LRs (cured), the sand is not a problem, but you will have to wait probably 6 months for the sand to be matured. Have you gotten some plants for your refugium?

  7. Actually nowadays, not a lot of people buy LRs, thats why most of the LRs from the LFS are already in their shop for quite some time, and most are already cycled rocks. Your answer cannot be answered because we don't know whether the rocks from the LFS are just brought in or they are already in their tank for quite some time. If the LFS owner is honest, then probably by asking him whether the rocks are cured or uncured would be the best choice. If you have completed you cycle, and the addition of rocks is not a lot, maybe one or two pieces, then it should'nt be a problem. But it's definately not suitable for corals yet. Remember when choosing LRs, don't choose those with rotten eggs smell, choose those fresh smell rocks. Better to choose some from direct currents area.

  8. No, do not wash your sand as they contain beneficial bacteria. Live sand and live rock is the same thing, something live is living on them and not the sand is alive. Even if you are using dead sand, they will become alive once established. Sand is a very good place for BB to live in. If you wanted to wash your sand because they are dirty, don't do it. Get cleaning crews to help you, black sea cucumber, shrimps, conches, all these are great cleaners.

  9. What kind of frozen food are you referring to? Shrimps? Scallops? Mussles? Worms? There are lots of frozen food available. If it's shrimps, you can thaw them in liquid before feeding. Because I never bought Formula one/two frozen food before, so I do not know how the food looks like, whether it is in many small cubes form or whole chunk. Hmm what do you mean by gel form?

  10. What is the size of the fish that drop into the overflow? If it is small enough (like wrasses), they will end up in your sump tank (if the 1st comparement of your sump where the water rushes down is placed with wool, then you have to rescue it in time), if it is too large to go through the pipe to drop down to the sump, then you might want to try to use a long small net. Better to get something that is flexible.

  11. Actually we have discussed this before, but I can't find that thread, I remember that one method is to 1st look out whether which LR it is in, then remove the LR, If you don't want that LR, then you can sell the whole thing together with the shrimp. If not, I think you have to throw it into a water with soda? :unsure::erm::huh: (I'm not very sure what is that liquid, better confirmation from bros who have tried it) It will dash out once inside that liquid.

  12. Hi bro, it's not easy to get live mysis shrimps in Singapore, but almost all LFS do sell frozen mysis, and they don't cost much, one slab of about 24 cubes of mysis for $2. Try not to throw the whole cube into your tank, defrost them in a cup 1st, then use a net or something that can filter off the water for feeding, the water from the frozen cubes are extremely high in nutrients, please do not add any into your tank to avoid unwanted algaes growth.

    Actually soaking food in garlic juice doesn't have to be shrimps always, it can be pellets, can be flakes.

  13. I've not been to that shop before, but if I'm not wrong, most nano tank (especially those 1 feet tank), most owners will use a hang on filters as current maker instead of using a powerhead. So I think the temp is still ok during the night, but fluctuation of 1 or 2 degreeC during the day and night is not avoidable in this case.

  14. It's nothing to do with the fingers, those fingers you mentioned are tube worms if I'm not wrong. It's not toxic as they build up their soft tube using detritus. Your lion fish is gasping should be because of your garlic. Try not to dose garlic into the tank water itself, soak food in it then feed to fishes, they are very sensitive to garlic smell. You should check other possibility as well instead of just NO2 and NH3. You should check Kh, Ph as well, I don't know if the garlic you dose have caused the Ph to fluctuate. Look out for NO3 and PO4 as well. By the way, you mentioned you changed 40% of the water, are those water directly from tap? Did you remove chlorine and other harmful substances/heavy metals? Chlorine is extremely harmful. Or is is DI/RO water?

  15. Before you bought it, you should have make sure it is feeding on food that was given instead of natural food. If the LFS owner refuse to test it for you to see, then try not to buy from him. Clown tangs are not very rare, many other LFS will definately have it. Tangs may be hard to make it get use to eat what we throw in when it's in a tank with other fishes, it is better to isolate one alone, throw in all kinds of food and remove any uneaten, I'm sure it will be easier to train them this way.

  16. LRs really does contain anaerobic bacteria, but the amount is not sufficient as compared to DSB. But bear in mind that only large rocks will provide you with a certain amount of A.B, so having a large number of small rocks to reduce NO3 is not recommended, denitrification rarely occurs in small rocks. If all the things we are trying to do to reduce NO3 is to keep ourselves free from changing water, then reduce the amount of fishes will be the best choice. I still vote for plants/algaes to do the job as compared to LRs, since they are a lot cheaper and they does the job even better, why not? :lol:

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