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Posts posted by diabolus

  1. However, if you are not a reefer and treat this forum to start topics and chat, you will have to ask the mods to reconsider your membership. We are, like I said many times before, a registered club of Singapore and although we have free membership, we only want members who are in this hobby or would like to learn more about this hobby.


    i did not start this thread for justiana to show cause whether anot she is a reefer. and if she is not a reefer, she will have to stop posting, leave this forum, etc etc.

    wat i am more concern is the quantity of "quality" threads that she started. We are used to having such threads ard...but having to log in and see 1 whole page of them by the same person! dat really "made" my day....thus, this thread is to try to discourage her to post less of those "quality" threads, and share with us something more productive, be it related to reefing or not.

    Therefore, I strongly disagree with your comments

    we only want members who are in this hobby or would like to learn more about this hobby.
    let me reinstate my POV again. I do not wish for her to leave SRC even if she isn't a reefer, just dat i buay tahan her posts nia.


  2. :lol: Tis guy seems had cool down.....weather 2 hot?

    :upsidedown: I like 2 read tis forum reg refeering fishes...etc..... I'm learning alot fm them

    cool down?

    i was never worked up in the first place. but ur threads sometimes did get me nearly to my edge of my seat. :P

    I'm sorry to say that in the history of SRC, u might be the first person whose nick is the last poster of every thread in a single page since SpiderOne.

    all those who joins before the major crash should know wat i'm talking about...otherwise can always ask Spidey! :lol::lol::lol:


  3. Errrr....

    i am not aiming to start a flame war with this thread actually, I am just curious to know if she is a reefer? even if she is not, Im not against non reefer's in here anyway...

    Rocks - AT does not vet the applications anymore...meaning that any Tom,Dick and Harry can just join SRC.

    Riot - my signature isn't meant to be offensive...glad u understand. Bouncing melons? i lost the link for the original one. :evil:

    Mins - no offences to anyone, just a simple thread nia. :lol:

    Justiana - no offences, but i am just curious why someone will join a marine forum and yet no posts at all about any fish,corals, etc etc.

    if i have offended anyone with my post, i sincerely apologised. but wat the heck, this is kopitiam! i can do wat i like! :lol::lol::lol:


  4. manz...

    everyday i log into SRC, its usually at least 5 pages of new posts...

    and out of this 5 pages....more than half comes from kopitiam.

    now we have this lady who treats SRC kopitiam like aunt agony...

    Commit suicide lah, anger management lah, PUB bills how much lah, marriage lah, black magic lah, parents relationshp lah, fastest way to make money lah, career jobs lah, job interviews lah, HOW TO COOK PRAWNS!!!!, FAVOURITE COLOURS!!!,

    manz, the list goes on and on and on and on and on.....

    as of now @ 9.51am, she had posted 436 posts, and 99% are in kopitiam....and the remaining 1%? the Fishing thread.

    I'm not against you posting all these and i basically have no rights too, but you cant blame/stop me for posting wat i feel too.

    no hard feelings.


  5. Wah! so hor buay ( good to sell! )

    Since both reserved, selling my prata at $300!! also very rare!! Also open very big under light, for pic, look at centre of my signature! :P


    also selling my prata, very rare....

    you can choose plain, with egg, with egg and onion or wif cheese!


  6. IMO, i think that this forum will show which LFS/company is doing business the right way, no biz can go all the way without complaints, but its the good ones that handles them in a quick and tactful way that convinces the customer and others that they are serious about their biz and reputation.

    take for example 2 good companies here,

    Aquaz - all the bad flaks by those "regular bombers" and yet still get support from other reefers.

    Aquamarin - Still have a big base of regular supporters, and IMO, one of the more active "smaller" LFS ard.

    Something that they are doing must be right.

    It seems to me that all Kenji was trying to do here is to voice out his displeasure - which is being ignored by Jireh. the fact that Jireh deleted his post added fuel to the fire. Nothing wrong in doing that in a public forum like SRC.

    I'm sure all these can be resolve easily if Jireh could step out and explain to the thread starter thru PM or in this thread.

    I'm not quite sure wat Ping has on his/her agenda, but he/she came in with his/her guns blazing and start shooting his/her trap for nothing, and this was the spark that was needed to spark the explosion. :lol:

    His/her comments had been nothing but personal attacks against those who posted and it seems that such remarks ensures gratification towards her agenda.


    just my thoughts anyway.

  7. Can't stand you guy! Becoming so petty and ungentleman! If you want an answer, take out your bloody phone and just call them la. Why make thing so difficult and a big fuss. It is their sponsor thread, THEY PAID FOR IT! They can do anything they like. Happy buy, not happy dont buy. Nobody force you ok!

    People operate a business here, rental, overhead, salary etc etc... and with your few stupid sentences posted openly, you may affect their business! Think for others la. What's the big deal with your 2 anthias!

    I am of no relationship with them and in fact don't even know who are they. But just cannot stand you!

    Mod and boss should do something here to protect the interest of the sponsors. They paid for sponsorship here hoping to create more sale opportunity and not a weapon against them.

    just my 35 cents tots... :evil:


    why get so work up?

    If you had noticed, this thread is in <kopitiam>, not the sponsor's thread.

    This is a forum, when a LFS provides good service and maintains excellent customer relationship. Then words get spread ard thru this forum. Same goes for lousy customer service. It is a wonderful place to market your products/LS, but its also a double edge sword...bad incidents/experiences gets spread ard too.

    When a business entity paid to be a sponsor in SRC, they had to be prepared to take this kind of flaks, if they are serious about providing good customer service, then action have to be taken fast before things get out of hand. You cannot prevent ppl from posting bish bashing stuff against your company/products/services, whether or not if its legitimate or not.

    as the saying goes, "when you pay peanuts, you get monkeys" we are not like RC where sponsor fees is ard USD $2000 and they have full time moderators manning the threads 24/7. btw....mods?? wat mods...didn't see one for donkey months liaoz.

    just my 35 cents of worthless opinion. :lol:

  8. Spiderone, the Frogman series with Titanium is for you. Not the latest model though but the ones from the 90's. I got 1 and it's big. The latest ones they have are all small watches, too small for my wrist.


    the Frogman,Lungsman series is one of the nicest that Casio had ever release.

    the current cockpit series is nice too....but the protrek series now sucks...prefer the older version.


  9. Hi bro. please do not feel dishearted due to loss of fishes as I have such dreadful experiences myself just weeks ago :( I have discovered that fish loss due to excessive white spots on the it's body is due to very poor water quality <_< Although my parameters does not show any harmful readings and changing of water does not help either, I have result it by replacing activated carbon weekly instead of monthly :D

    I understand doing it this way may not solve the core problem but it really helps in maintaining water quality and till now I am still doing it as soon once D.O.C are completely removed, I will resume the standard periodic of changing activated carbon on monthly basis :heh:

    I am not really an expert in marine reef keeping but at least my current practice have shown great water quality improvement :D I will also recommend you to seek reefers like weileong or blueheaven for help as I regard them as pioneers in this hobby keeping ;)



    hi daryl,

    can i know how much the GAC have help you improve the quality of your water parameters? how and wat do u base this on?

    wow, i didn't know that WL and BH had been reefing for so long liaoz?



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