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Posts posted by atos

  1. All TM products are well developed and manufactures under controled production. Made of the purest raw materials, therefore the most safe products on the market. My company is importer for TM on Macedonian market, and we are very well confined in it quality .

    Besides, Dr. Biener is pharmaceutical company, wich speak enough for.

    (this is not an comercial as we can not sell in Singapore enyway :) )

  2. jacobus Aquclay ground is a product for fresh water, planted aquaria. It is 2-4 mm fired natural clay at 1200 C, in the rotation chamber(drums), were it is continuasly spray with water, and thus get bumped, like a popcorn, very porous and very easy.

    Dont belive you will like redish appearance on the floor.

  3. Thanks bojan, it was hard for me to ask same question on SLO disscison board :). Recently, I must admire your eforts on representinf your reef world wilde, it awesome, with all of DIY , main base piece of teh equipment . BK I do not count, but the CA reactor, CUBICUS controler, top off, and for me the most spectaculat bird nest(after teh Lars Sebrala one :) ), the one of the most beauthiful "small" reef aquariums in the world.


  4. So you prefer more wet skim? Is aint beter more dry pure waste for the skimer to colect? Also I noticed some skum is colecting from the buble acction of the overflow in the back of the skimer. Could not you do sometning to avoid this action and direct it for the skimer to handel? What is the small piece of the glass in front off the picture, that is placed in "\" position?

  5. We can not say that decompsing scratched hair algae bring the phosphate levels to the point were it cause ciano bloom, but certanly every algae when is crushing is poluting the water. Maybe you can catch the algae after scratching with fine mash as much as possible.

  6. As it was sadi Red Dragons are teh most quiet pumps, you should stack your ear next to if you like to be sure it work, besides comparate RD energy consuption with any other same rated flow pump and you will see how much you save on electicity.

    Ocean runners are also good pumps, but also as it was aid, do not conect the return via hard PVC, at least joint to outlet should be soft hose.

  7. You could buy an fish trap from some brand that are represent in Singapore(Aquamedic) or you can build your own one, simple take a plastik clear bottle(coca cola 2l), cut the top to the size big enough for the fish can pas trough it, than cut agin the bottle at aproximate 2/3 from the top , invert the htr smaler part and stuck it in , inverse in the biger part, drill some small holes in the biger part, tie some rock to hold it in the bottom, place some favorite food for this fish, and place this trap near the spots were the fish is usualy hide. Fish should enter trough the small opening for the food, but it can not easly get outside. I hope you understand what I'm talkin abouth .

  8. Yeah it looks like some sort of fisical damage , if it was a fungal problem it would be noticed much earlier, the area is to big for the overnight fungus sign. If You could catch it, I will treat the wound with Betadine Iodin, for desinfection, and stoping the bacteria or fungus to atack the wound

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