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Everything posted by Qxnviolet

  1. Hrmz....imo...don't get too upset over your water parameters....as long as your LS and inverts are looking well. Take your time to adjust your water parameters, don't be overly eager and dose too much addictives, it'll proberbly do more harm than good.
  2. ZzzZZzzZz...how big was yours? I got the smallest specimen i could find...its around 1 In now.
  3. Hrmz, im not sure if thats the correct number, took it off a post in the forum. Maybe you can try leave him a text message. Good luck.
  4. Hrmz, im still considering to start a tank for it and my boxfishes....just a small one at the moment of course. Is yours still in the tank? What kind of "mischief" did it cause?
  5. Cool...will be looking forward to seeing pictures of your tank again. You'll never fail to amaze me with the things you catch.
  6. Xersion, you might want to try looking for Derek @ 97979910
  7. AM. 1 YT 1 PT.....nothing else out of the ordinary.....
  8. I don't think hes referring to you bro...chill...
  9. Saw 2 at G.Octo 2 weeks back...maybe u can call them and check it out...
  10. Hrmz, whats is wrong with that may i enquire?
  11. ZzzZzzZZ...12k? How in the world am i going to afford 12k. I could start a 8FT tank with good equipment on that budget... My wife is going to kill me if she sees this.
  12. Hrmz, mine started morphing after 2 months.....its fins started turning a dark shade of brown... Anyway, its much more aggressive than when it was a "she".
  13. I LOVE your yumas.... Esp the tri-coloured one.
  14. Whats wrong with using tap water may i know?
  15. Hey, thanks for the compliments....time to go out~ Nope...not to any LFS, to rent dvds to pass time....
  16. BOMBER OVERHEaD! Nearly killed some of my corals...
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