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Everything posted by gyw

  1. anyone bought the tank? i was pmed an exact same ad by a different nick and offered the tank set, probably due to the thread i started to look for big tanks. upon doing a search, called the seller and he keep telling me that he wants to send me pics of the tank etc, i told him ive seen the pics in his old threads. then he says its actually his friends tank etc etc. i told him its ok, can arrange with his friend for viewing, can take the tankset immediately upon viewing. again he was very evasive, started to say his friend hard to arrange, playing golf, asked me if monday morning is ok. i said fine. monday morning came n went, nothing from him, no calls, smses or pms. tuesday i pm him, saying how is the arrangement. again he asked for my email wanting to send me pics. i cannot help but suspect the deal is a scam, otherwise the seller would not be so evasive.
  2. got a nice tank set from a nice bro, thanks! still looking, big project coming up
  3. Hi, to add, not interested in curved front tanks. Thank you.
  4. bump for today...still looking, keep the offers coming
  5. up!!! still looking, keep the offers coming!
  6. Hi, looking for 5ft and 6ft tank. width must be at least 2.5ft. either cabinet with sump, or bare tank with low stand. pls pm me ur offers.
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