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Everything posted by y_sweebeng

  1. http://www.aquarium.org.hk/cgi-bin/ch/topi...7330&pg=1&bpg=2
  2. In the first two-week leg of the NORFANZ voyage, a Sherman sled on rocky ground at 1100 m deep made an unexpected find, the huge fossilized tooth of a shark. It was around 11 cm long and is the tooth of the famous “megalodon” shark. This shark went extinct some time between one and 35 million years ago. It is most closely related to the Mako Shark but was much larger than the Great White shark. As sharks have a cartilage skeleton, it is generally only their teeth that fossilize. This is true for “megalodon”. The largest teeth found for this shark so far are 20 cm long, resulting in size estimates of up to 15 m long for the whole shark. A human could stand inside its open jaws. Fossilized teeth such as these have also been brought up in trawls from further north, near New Caledonia . Amongst those teeth were found the fossilized vertebrae of marine mammals, complete with the scars from the teeth of the giant shark that ate them. It must have been a formidable predator.
  3. already removed all the sponge n 90pcs of bioballs,will remove another 90pcs next weeks,is that ok?thanks,but my sg angel got ich leh,how ah?
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