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Everything posted by yus75

  1. offer me beer la.....my hand r wide open to accept it hehehehee
  2. tatz y my quest is y they askin ch speakin....i knoe some mly/indian can speak ch/hokkien inc my dad n wife n some frnz....
  3. wah bro....u xcersice everyday ar....any tips beside eatin non fatty foods hehehe..aiya i also gotto lose weight liao.....used to weigh 75kg nowadayz after marriage gain 10kg n look .... need to trim down abit like lastime lor hehhee
  4. how abt certain company lookin for job seeker who can speak ch too?? im askin a quest so dun flame me i knoe not all but theres some of it...... dun believe me tomoro buy ST & browse the classified sect.....
  5. but is it fish safe?? i mean those little size fish like gobies etc etc..... cause i remember 2yrs back 1 lfs tells me trigger is not a fish safe esp those small 1s....
  6. wats the dimension for the 4ft n 6ft tank?? the thickness??btw how much u letting go???
  7. no need roti la....jus 2 haf boil egg w abit of pepper n soya sauce hehehe
  8. yo bro can i have 1000ml hehe or 500ml la if u have tatz all
  9. hehehe go jb pump la cheaper.....me ride a beemers also gotto jb n pump...my frn say wah u ride so xpen bike also go jb huh...i dun care lor as long can save abit here n there is gd..... yea last week jus tell my frnd im not suprise the petrol will hit $2 n car owners esp will start to feel the pinch...like smokers in sg will start to feel the pinch wen the tobacco $$ start to reach $10 per pack.......
  10. ok la guyz tatz all for tonite....goin to try banging my bed soon hehehe
  11. wah...seems many kakis here....... mayb 1day can organise go c fish w/o water in tank n carry #.........
  12. hahaha ooooo.....then too bad lor....
  13. hahaha u got the mens tinkin ya.....
  14. i like mermaid in fish tank
  15. if we can wake up our wife....she also can wat hehee
  16. ahhh....so gd meh...nowonder 2day my brain so fast today....yday eat 8haf oyster at buffet hehhee i got another tinkin abt oyster..... but supper another kinda of oyster hehehhee
  17. no need c dr la....hehehehe u wan to knoe i pm u la hahaha
  18. got tell u secret meh...?? jus my tongue onli wat hehehe y u cant sleep ar tonite....
  19. kena hammer by the can lor
  20. if sorethroat got medi wat hehehe
  21. aiya always kena hantam 1....
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