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Status Updates posted by thomas_lim

  1. Supporting friend is 1 thing. But supporting blindly without facts finding is another. Esp when you trust "small minded people"

  2. Supporting friend is 1 thing. But supporting blindly without facts finding is another. Esp when you trust "small people"

  3. the more we tried... The truth will surface even faster. there is a thing call Karma!. 人在做天在看

    1. Jameshong


      Time will tell..纸是包不住火的!

    2. thomas_lim


      Yup. James you r right!

  4. Thought only Politics had smear campaign.... Reefing also ar..

    Just like local scene...  the good guy get it... hahaha.....

  5. Time to stop looking at tank thread.. Esp those SPS one...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thomas_lim


      Not when u had resist for 2 years.

      Also, the idea of giving up my butterfly collection is another factor

    3. thomas_lim


      na.. my butterflies will rip them apart in 1 day. I tried a few type of coral liao :(

  6. What do you called an Adult with a child mentality..... Or is it due to low IQ???

    1. Jameshong



  7. When profit cannot be made here... things turn sour.. LOL

  8. Why so many AEFW... 1 big one gone, another 1 spotted... sigh...

  9. 人在做, 天在看. Karma.....

    1. Firestarter


      Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay.

  10. Hmmm... I thought dogs like to eat shit... never know they stir too... puzzling....

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