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Posts posted by Dispar_Anthias

  1. For FOWLR tank, I think keep a few Golden Buttleflies, 1-2 tangs (Naso and Sohal) and 1-2 angels (Blueface and Rock Beauty) good enough. All big enough and got character and colour.

    Pardon for dreaming cos I have a reef tank and wife will not allow another tank in the house.

    For me..... if i ahve a 3000gallon tank, i will have 6 adult naso vlamingii, 3 ###### naso, 1 personifer angel, 1 cortez angel, many anthias(diff kind) and a small school of powder blue tang

  2. Coral Clam,

    You lighting arrangement is so complicated. Is it worth the effort? You need lots of timers Also, your whole tank's top will be covered all around. Will heat from lights be trapped?

    Why not just use actinic and MH. Actininc on and off one hour before MH and after MH?

    For MH 2 x 250W is good enough for almost all things, even acro. Unless very special colours.

    yah maybe with what chris suggest you save more space

  3. A fowlr tank? if not the king or queen angel willgrow real big and chomp away at your corals..... :angry:

    BTW...read in the magazine how fierce a queen angel can be....the writer discribe that his suoer mean queen could not tolerate any other fish (like LUohan), it caught hold of the big lionfish and slamed it against the glass...killing it....violent!!!!! :shock::shock:

    Eh btw my king don't bother my coral at all

  4. hon, for a 13 year old, u have a damn beautiful tank.. can see loads of experinece in it... how old were u when u started?? :lol::lol:

    :lol::lol::lol: Maybe he already started planning how to setup and aquascape in his mother womb :lol::lol::lol:

  5. posted this for comments b4 crash

    i thought of these steps for moving tank to the same location.

    some info: current tank is 2ft cube. new tank is 4x2 1/2x2

    hopefully my plan will be a success and i will document the entire process for learning purposes. any points i've missed out?

    1. take 2 big containers and standby 2 power heads for circulation.

    2. mix saltwater and fill 1/3 of each container

    3. turn off all lighting and equipment

    3. drain half of the water from old tank to fill container1

    4. remove corals and place in container1 (i've got no sps or sensitive corals )

    5. remove live rocks and place in container2

    6. shd be easy to catch fish now. place in container1

    7. drain remaining water from old tank till 1" above sand bed and fill container2. at this point collect some sand and put into another small container.

    8. move tank to holding location. (hopefully not so heavy!!! need manpower. haha)

    9. fill tank with water from container2 and put in some base rocks (cos i need to kill aiptasia in the remaining LR)

    10. put corals back in old tank

    11. put fishes back in old tank

    12. fill old tank with water from container1 (leftover consolidate into one container for LRs with aiptasias to kill!!!)

    13. restart lighting and equipment

    ---hopefully the corals and fishes survive this few hours of stress---

    14. hooray. new tank in position

    15. test plumbing for leakage, etc.. (maybe 2 or 3 days)

    16. drain water for washing toilet and corridor!!! haha.

    17. mix saltwater in new tank.

    18. put #0 sand. 4" DSB. mix with some "life" from old sand bed

    19. throw in liverocks and scape the tank to desired taste

    20. set up refugium

    21. start cycling process (maybe 3-4 weeks)

    22. include oshkosh's advice of swapping water between 2 tanks for a couple of days

    23. lighting and chiller set up

    ---time to add livestock. make sure parameters are fine---

    24. slowly acclimatise fishes to the new tank. first 2 false clowns. then yellow and kole tang. somehow they really pair up! i will look for a new home for my maroon clown and damsel. too agressive for my liking

    25. slowly acclimatise corals to the new tank. one at a time

    26. set up skimmer from old tank to new tank.


    Remember to get some help from the gurus here :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

  6. How ###### every i buy cleaner wrasse and put into my tank... the next 2 days sure gone or missing...... then got one time i even saw my shrimp hanging onto the tail of a cleaner wrasse....

    As u all know Wrasse always hide at empty holes on LR... will my shrimp go eat them up or maybe kill them??? My second Wrassee gone too liao.... sigh.. anione help? :cry2::cry2::cry2:

    Pls stop buying cleaner wrasse unless you are very sure that they are feeding well and have been in the lfs tank for a very long time............. They have very poor survival record.......... BTW in my unlce tank i have kept one red sea cleaner and one cleaner wrasse for 8 months and now it is still with me.............

  7. :D I think you can decide and keep a large angel as the centre piece in your large tank with many fast swimming tangs ard...will be a great sight...!!!! :)

    But watch that bioload and the compatibility of the tangs :D

    Maybe a 3000gallon tank............. That will be cool......... BTW french is a hardy and beautiful angel, but too bad it is way to big for me............ BTW i love personifer and cortez angel

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