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Posts posted by ywng85

  1. Think in marine LFS we will see more of such problems??? Cause light sets and all this not everyday got pple will buy.. sp bring in less. And most of the equipments are from overseas(not our neighbouring countries) lo. Need to wait for shipments. Esp. marine stuff.

    Anyway hi chris, i'm a member of sgguppies club. Heard of your big name but never seen u before. Glad that u are into marine too..:)

  2. Like what bro andtsg has said, anemone must be allowed to go into the tank and choose a spot first. However, as long as the anemone feels that the environment of it's spot is not good it will move. I have a friend who has 2 LTA in his tank for a whole year le. His is a 4 footer, with aquamedic equipments running very efficiently. His LTAs are damn big and nice but it came at the expense of corals as the stings of the LTAs killed some corals. So do consider what you want in your tank carefully.

  3. Unless, you have a big tank and excellent equipments. I dun recommend anemones.Clownfishes will find surrogate anemones in corals when u do not have an anemone. Some corals will host them well some will not. Maybe you could give us a list of what corals you have so that we could help you. One coral which confirm cannot host clownfishes is flowerpot coral. They will die once clownfishes use them as the surrogate.

  4. Wow! 2 days?!? I didn't realize I've posted so many pages :D Do drop by more often as there will be a lot of movements in the coming weeks :)

    The OR is still available btw.

    Still interested in the OR btw but dun wish to aeroplane you just in case i decided to go for aquabee. Once i settle my tank i'l see if you still have it. For the time being MORE PICS!!! MORE PICS PLS!!! heh.

    Still interested in the OR btw but dun wish to aeroplane you just in case i decided to go for aquabee. Once i settle my tank i'l see if you still have it. For the time being MORE PICS!!! MORE PICS PLS!!! heh.

  5. Hey bro jervis,

    Took 2 days to finish ur hundred over pages thread. All I can say is BRILLIANT! Truly brilliant! Very nice tank u have there.

    Sorry that i enquire about your or2500 but didn't follow up on the interest as I'm still in the middle of planning for my upgrade.

    But great tank. Gives me a reason to come to the forum more often. ;)

  6. Reborn had one in their show tank a good few months ago.And it survived for quite a long time before i dunno what happened to it. It's very rare blue bubbles but i certainly have seen it before with my own eyes. So it should not be artificially coloured. Care to share which LFS bringing in?

  7. Yo bro,

    Tangs are not really excellent at controlling algae if you have other carnivorous fishes in ur tank that u have to feed meat. Sooner or later ur tang will be omnivorous with a preference for meat.

    Algae blenny is good but make sure u have enough algae for it to eat.

    Try other types of snails la.

  8. Hi Guys can anyone help me out with this.

    I got a polyp of rhodactics from my friend. However, after putting it in a hang on box in my tank and putting in dead rocks, it seems to be degenerating. As in brownish sticky stuff seems to be around it and getting smaller. The mouth is still around but yeah seems to be shrinking abit. The polyp was removed using blunt object nothing seems to be damaged except that pinkish strands of matter are sprouting out of the base. It has only been in my tank for a day.

  9. Hey bro qxn,

    I'm using dymax t5s. Seems alright but only rhodactics are doing very well..

    The other two are ok. That's why i'm thinking of changing my lights. Can PM the price of ur solite and where you got it from?

    Thanks to you and bro godzillia too for the reply

  10. Hrmz, upgrading works killed your whole tank? :blink: They cut off the electrical supply to your whole block u mean?

    The upgrading caused the electrical socket that all my equipment depended on short circuited. All my pumps were blown and melted. Since i covered my tank with news paper to stop dust from getting in, i didn't noticed. so the whole tank of living things DIED. Very sad man. My bubble survived a while before if melted away too.

  11. Bubbles are relatively cheap and hardy corals. Got my first from reborn. Survived though my water temp was 31 to 32 when my lights were on.

    Unfortunately, Upgrading works in my block killed my whole tank. Hai.

    Anyway, reborn usually carries quite a bit of them. If u are looking for bubbles, give them a call or drop by.

    Sorry guys not advertising reborn but never been to other reputable places like aquamarin so i not so sure what stocks are there.



  12. Thanks alot fiona and nakazoru,

    Unfortunately my 2 frags of shrooms have melted away.Luckily it is frags from a friend who needs to periodically harvest his shrooms so that there will not be a war in his tank or else i would have felt real bad. So i'm currently looking for frags to put in my tank first. Didn't know need to acclimatise it for one month. Haha

    Thanks guys really appreciate it.



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