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Posts posted by monpire

  1. my Y.tang too...just bought last week, tried garlic and lettuce, garlic and fish food ,prawn...just not eating.

    Calcium and mg are at right level

    Nitrate is at 50

    pH is at 8.2

    Water temperature is 27

    No Ich nor anyother thing, just not eating at all.

    My B.T. Clarkii clown and False clown are healthy and feeding...coral are all healthy...

    Anyone has any suggestion ...Help....pleassssssse! :cry2::cry2::cry2:

  2. Bought yellow jewel from Reborn yesterday and Red gonio from Wakai ... a small piece sometime back. (I'll PM u the price...don't know can state the price in public...don't wanna get flame for it...)

    By the way, is White cat-eye bubble natural colour or due to bleach...different LFS owners were telling me different things...very blur now...well...I'm blur as usual hahaha.

  3. Hi Hi...need some help over here...bought a yellow jewel yesterday and was wondering is it natural or dyed...its bottom hard base is white. :bow:

    Also looking for blue goniopora and was wondering if it is dyed or natural? :bow:

    Finally anyone can tell me more about keep "Rose" coral ? :bow:


  4. Don't have good camera to take...will try to get a picture with my cheapo cam...

    Anyway, revamp my tank last nite...found 3 crabs...5 Bristtle worm (hope right spelling) and a few other small creatures... :shock: Didn't cure the LR when I started during December last year...tat's the price for being lazy..hahaha.

  5. Ha Ha Ha...me kiasu& cheapo, that's why..don't wanna pay $0.85 per bottles usual price...hee hee hee. I ordered than transport half of them per trip...very siong to carry...but once every 3 to 4 months is still ok... :eyebrow:

  6. Guardian pharmacy has distilled water sales once in about 3 to 4 months...3 bottles of 1.5L for S$1.70...cheap cheap...I normally wait til the sale and get about 90 bottles of it for the tank... :eyebrow:

  7. That's what happen to me several weeks ago...bought a yellow tang with some white spot on fins...later spread to the rest of my fish...a while later...yellow tang...goby & a few other fish went up lorry :cry2:

    I think it's what they call Ich. Search this forum for information and treatment...the reefers here had posted some very good advices on it...read also Wei Long article on Hyposalinity...my main tank is empty now...except for corals...trying to break the cycle.

    Try fresh water bath (some says it doesn't work but it did for me) & Hyposalinity in QT tank...garlic and lettuce also pretty good.

    Good luck :look:

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