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Everything posted by reefdude2003

  1. thanks guys its been taken 15 min after the post.
  2. Hi Guys, I have a 3 feet tank plus metal stand, prism skimmer, dynamax filter system, metal halide lamp, 5-6 Live Rocks, Medium sized Blue Tang, and Sea Urchin (5 cm in diameter) for sale. Starting Bid $50, condition is must take all. First person to collect from me and pay cash will get it. Contact no. is 94567113. Must bring lots of buckets.
  3. just found 2 in my tak...don't know whether to throw it away or kkeep them. please id them for me and tell me if they are harmful or good. They were on my maiden hair grass..my grass is dying *Oversized image attachment deleted by moderator*
  4. i have a huge brown tag in my 3 feet tank...still eating the algae, prefers to eat flakes instead.....greedy like hell...gobbles up all the flakes b4 other fish get to it. I also have a coral beauty and a bicolor blenny which is suppose to eat algae. Maybe i should starve them???
  5. How do i stop grass alage growing on my sand bed....i have it all over my sandbed?? How di get rid of it please?
  6. Well, both my blue and yellow tang died swiftly. But the parasite has affected my other fishes, domino damsel, tomato clown, false clownx2, pseudochromis. Any idea how long will the parasites live in my tank before I can introduce another tang fish?
  7. Thanks Woonming. PM if i can join you on Saturday for the class:)
  8. i have green mushroom coral that is outgrowing my rock...can i just peel them off the rock and stick them somewhere else? or chop them up into little pieces?
  9. Thanks guys....HOw do i make a quarantine tank? Just air bubbles and saltwater? and don't feed?
  10. after having the blue tang for 1 month. This morning he was completely covered in white and was swimming frantically near the water surface gasping for air. Should i do a freshwater dip and if so how to do? Should i buy a cleaner wrasse? will this help? URGENT
  11. LFS at Chin*town. I think they were overcharging because I returned the nudibranch. They also insisted that the nudibranch eats algae and said they have sold hundreds with no problems. No one ever complained that their pink nudibranch die? Anyway AT what do you think?
  12. Cool. Where is the best place to buy clams in singapore and rough guide how much do they go for?
  13. Anyone living in bukit timah? so we can compare notes and check each other's tanks out. Form a truly local suburban marine club. Cheers. PM me please.
  14. do i need to finely chop the garlic or put whole garlic in?
  15. Was wondering if there were any reefers living around Bukit Timah? So that we can get together and check out each other's tanks. Everyone is welcomed, if you don't mind travelling. I always have this idea that my neighbour would probably be a reefer and I would never know, so just try my luck.
  16. I was reading some of the posts and someone mentioned you could add raw garlic into your tank. I was wondering if the experienced reefers would like to refute or confirm this please. Cheers.
  17. Thanks guys for the advice. I just went down to PR to have a look at the clams there. They only have like 4-5 clams left. $50 for the maxima one and $30 for the other one?(it looked really drabby and on death's bed) I was told that Singapore usually only has just these 2 species. What is a good price to pay for clams? btw my MH light is 150W and suspended 10 inches from the water surface. The depth of my tank is 18 inches....but the water level is like 3-4 inches below the top of the tank. So what do you think>?Maxima>? Which is the best one to keep? in terms of hardy and looks and value for money
  18. Hi Guys, I'm new to this hobby and was thinking of keeping clams in my 3 feet tank. I don't have a chiller but I have a Mh light which I bought from DENSI (thanks Densi). My tank temperature never rises above 29 degrees even with 10 hours of MH lighting per day. I have 3 Long tip anemone in my tank, 2 fire shrimp, 2 cleaner skunk shrimp, 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 black damsel(domino), 1 pseudochromis, 2 false percula, 1 tomato clown, 4 trochus snails.
  19. interested in chiller sms 94567113 please
  20. thanks for the advice guys. i have returned uit back to lfs for half of what i paid. so i bought a tiny fire shrimp for 13 bucks. guess better than whole tank wipe out right?
  21. I just bought a pink nudibranch. Does it eat diatoms? What should i feed it? Roughly how much should I have paid for it? I think I overpaid. Many Thanks
  22. No iodine in my tank, but my skumk shrimp has molted 3 times in 3 weeks. and my fire shrimp has molted once in 2 weeks. WHat gives?
  23. My new trochus snail has climbed above the water level. Is that bad? Can he survive above the water. I tried to reposition him but he stuck on the glass and I don't want to injure him. Advice?
  24. Thanks guys for the advice. Mine has a protective tempered glass below it. So I'm gunning for best optimum distance for a 150W as I'm DIYing my stand. I guess the consensus is between 6 inches and 12 inches.
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