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Posts posted by Durian

  1. I cannot believe u guys stated this method is low maintenance??

    If u read properly, these european will run the ZEOvit in a reactor and stirr the contents every day or two. Some of them change out 50% from the reactor every 1-2 weeks. On top of that U need to dose multiple products daily.

    This is worst than taking care of babies. I wonder if u take the short cut as some of u suggested do u get the same result.

    I suggest to whoever invested to follow those european reefers strict routine and not to cut corners. Anyway money already spend, why not get the best out of it.


  2. AT,

    I not having tank as big as Underwater World.  :D  :peace: Definately I am not purchasing it all for myself, but that was the conditions set forth by the distributor in Germany. On top of that there is warranty for the eheim pumps.


    Hi Berham,

    there's no Korallin distributor in Germany. I travel to Europe frequetly and I'm aware that Korallin is a small company business that sells direct to customer or LFS and infact Distribution is only available in countries outside Germany.

    My guess is that you got your source from Hong-Kong?

    Warranty? Plse do not lie and if you have already lied, how can we trust you?

    Don't believe, anyone can just drop the boss of Korallin an email to ask the fact :)


    Spikey the Truth

  3. Guys's what's your dkh level?? Mine is always maintain from 9 to 13dkh. I've a SPS tank...so it's good to note that higher dkh tend to cause pump problems, unless it is design with such consideration in mind. Take a look at Joe's(Phang) tank and he's dripping Kalk with vinegar like crazy just to keep to a reasonable calcium dkh......if you are not in this league, there's no good comparsion at all. The requirement between LPS tank and SPS/Clam tank can be in the 20X or more mark. I've a LPS tank and the dkh + calcium tend to hover at reasonable good level forever........with only a weekly additive...not even calcium reactor.

    BTW when you say maintain your pump - (soak in vinegar?), your warranty is naturally void when your so call maintainence routine is executed - U better chk with QH or P#tM54t :sick:

    BTW, Anthony....plse don't think I'm so stupid :( BTW I grow up in the old tampiness fish farm B) BTW my sump has NO sand.

    The point here is that the agent is selling eheim at premium with the so call backed warranty only void with mis useage, but the truth is that they are all out to refute your claim. I think the discussion will be better if anyone has even ever successfully claim from eheim. There's a few LFS with lots of dead eheim pump lying around if you did observe!


  4. BTW, if you win the case, they will hvae to paid for your legal fees.....ALL ARE COVER.....nothing to loose. BTW the Consumer Association of Singapore have free Legal Service, bascially the hard to come element is the Proof and Supporting evidences :evil:

    BTW, I've ever try complain to the Chillerr Principal @ $%#%#(oversea), although they took their time to reply, their support was great, replacement parts at no charge! Infact, they direct the agent to service me at no charge, instead of the $1XX quotation. I still have my email reply from the Marketing Director for PROOF! :yeah:

    In most case the principal will send the FOC replacement parts to the local agent with every shipment lot, but all these parts goes into retailing $$$$ :sick::sick: instead of being used to service the customer's maintenance on warranty

    claim :sick:

    I know alot of you might be rich and even a $1000 product doesn't mean nothing, but keep in mind some of us here work our ###### off earning n saving every penny to support our family. The fact is the business ethnics behind this highly profitable business and the high premium price we are paying for NOTHING? :sick:


  5. BTW I've any experience with QH -(U should know who). Got from P@#Mart the pump, it's the SEN brand OEM base in US. The started to vibrate like crazy after a month, Take it out for warranty claim and the reply is that go QH, they are the agent. And when I got to QH, I was told that all pumps vibrate :angry: Well you sure know where to get a VIBRATOR for your girlfriend :shock::sick::sick:

    BTW, before u purchase any Eheim pump, do yourself a favour, ASK the shop manager to explain the warranty, record it down using a recorder and take them to COURT! That's what I'm going to do......... :evil::evil: Might have to wait another few months for my new pump to fail :evil::sick:


  6. :( A FYI to all fellow reefers who think Eheim product are top-notch and worth the extra $$$.

    Just send my 2 Eheim pump, 1 1250 and 1 1262 for warranty claim. Brought from Petmart since December 02 and April 03. ! failed follow by the other following month. I was surprise that Petmart insist that they do no warrant useage under saltwater high dkh enviroment, casuing the magnetic shaft to fail with carbonate deposit. :angry::angry::angry::angry::(:angry::angry::angry::angry: And when I told them that I did vinegar maintenace on 1 of the pump -1262 at least once every 2 months, but it still failed, they stated, U are not suppose to tempt with the pump. Anycase.....they are there to refute your claim

    PLSE DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY AWAY, ESPECIALLY FOR SPS REEFERS WHO MAINTAIN HIGH dkh of 11 & abov :angry::angry::angry: e !!!!!!


  7. Thanks Joe.

    :blink: I'm not the only one with the problem :cry: Vinegar will cause SPS extensive poly extension...if U can take some macro-photo....it will be very nice to see the hairy poly :yeah: Most of the liquid food are mixture of freeze dried plankton + vinegar anway.

    Most Calcium reactor can't do the job, unless you got a reactor that's sized 5X or more for a densely packed tank. That's being true, as U can observe most hardcore/seasoned SPS reefers at RC dose 2 part additives daily to keep up, even with their huge DIY or PM type reactor - BTW they are buying 2-part direct from vendor like ESV in 10 gallon bracket. -> where can we can this type of supply?? Anyway pricing of additives in S'pore is :( way too expensive :(

    Will try to post some picture this weekend. Great reef....juz imagine your tank in a years' time with SPS branching all over :shock::shock::shock:


  8. HI Joe, what's your daily routine to maintain dkh & calcium. My reef is less dense than yours and I've already have trouble maintaining my calcium & dkh without supplement. Running on 1400litre rated Calcium Reactor + 1000 litre Kalk stirrer still not enough :cry: Presently adding supplement for calcium daily and buffer every other 3 days to maintain parameters @ 11dkh and Calcium @ 400pm. BTW how's your growth? Maybe you can share your parameters and compare notes.



  9. FYI, got 2 specimen on Monday...both have RTN right at the bottom central when I only noticed it as I placed it in my tank with MH on -> very small patched of RTN right at the centre bottom. Couldn't capture it during selection at PR since PR's lighting was very bad during day time - MH place too far away -U need 1000W with that type of distance? I guess to advise reefers to be very careful, no point paying the same price on RTN specimens- at least u get half price @ LCK for late buyers. Next time better be there on the first day....don't think their system holds up more than 1 day!

    Question being, there's yet any LFS with system capable of suporting SPS for more than a day :shock:



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