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Everything posted by isshoniwee

  1. thanks JC, wow quite abit of discussion. actually i met the inventor of the equipment and there has been quite abit of improvement since 2003. i saw the power of it circulating the water. most of all, it will not destory the plankton. there is smaller unit for smaller tank. also it comes in 240V motor if needed.
  2. hear alot about importance of slowly changing the store's water to your tank water when you bring home a new critter or coral for your tank. does anyone know is there any acclimation tank avaliable out there that is cheap to buy?
  3. i am searching for a different wave maker that is more gentle and mimic the natural sea waves. anyone heard of a "wave2k"?
  4. Using 10L Deionized water (i.e. 18.3Mohms) pure water + ~350 gram of sea salt and aerate it for 24hours, salinity is ~ 30ppt. but the KH is 4. and my actual tank is filled with 100% natura sea water and it KH is dropping to ~7KH. what can i do to increase the KH? should i increase KH of the articial sea water before replacing it into the tank?
  5. hi Jervis thanks for the advices. i have just installed a aqua medic Biostar Flotor, to replace the cheap protein skimmer. however, i notice it is the tank is filled with micro bubbles! is that normal? the supplier say it will takes about two days for the bubbles to die out. any input? hi PrimePrime, as for DI water, it is true "DO NOT drink it" bec it is pure water with almost zero minerals. when we drink it as the water flushes through your body system it tends to extract minerals and pass it out as urine and being low on minerals; you can easily fall ill. by the way, can someone tell me how to add photo to this reply?
  6. need help, advice! here is the history of me setting up my tank: 21st March set up 11 gallon tank(fresh sea water) with 8 kg of live rocks 28th March change 50% of sea water 30th March NO2 is 0.02 17th April put in 11 small pieces of soft coral. 19th April notice NO2 0.1 and water cloudy! immediate change 40% water over period of 3 hours 21st April NO2 0.05, refractometer reads 34, so added 400ml of overnight tap water 22nd April NO2 0.05, saltinity 32 but water slightly cloudy but strong smell of sea water? also notice wood piece from proten skimmer giving out big bubbles! will change it later! is this normal? is the bacteria going through blooming phase? should i further dilute with tap water till reach readin of 30? or change sea water? Tank specf: 2ftx1.5ftx1ft =>15gallon, but i can only put in 11 gallon due to rocks and sand. chiller running at 27C eheim cannister cheap wood air bubble proten skimmer
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