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Everything posted by Planner

  1. I have a 2 ft tank and im using the bubble type skimmer. however after some time i found out that the bubbles produced were too many. the bubbles will cause my floor to get wet coz as they burst, the water splashed. the water splash would cause a current leak from my fan and the water in the tank would have electrical current! If someone could tell me how i could make the bubbles disappear when it reach the water it could be of great help. I wont know if this is enuff for you to understand what im saying.
  2. WOW!!!!!! I SAID WOW!!!!!!!
  3. Wah!!! Oh NO!!! wat to do?? Damn.. Stupid worms...
  4. Thanks everyone. A relief.. But yucky worm. haha. anyway i dunno where it go..
  5. Hey yo.. Yesterday while rearranging some rocks, there was a long worm the fell out.. It was damn long!! Arnd 2 inches at least.. Before I could take it out, it hid amongst the other rocks. Will this worm be of any threat to my tank? Thanks..
  6. on the 12. next week ah. If can den next week I pm you. Thanks.
  7. will be interested in the blue tang? How much?
  8. I wan but then must wait till payday. Very broke now...
  9. Actually I encounter some similar problem. I have a common clown which is the biggest and 2 true percular of the same size in my tank. When lights off, the common will go crazy. He will just swim very fast and bang in to the glass. Damn weird.. For the two perculars, they will occasionally bite each other. Other times, they will just swim together happily..
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