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Posts posted by rentasp

  1. haha realli...tink my dive book will not be coming back hehe

    It was too hard for me to log every divedown in the book.... i should say, just too lazy! hahaha...

    and i cant really remember how many dives liao, my last dive was last year Feb...more than a yr lo...

  2. hi,bro..welcome to marine reefing...

    AM is at jalan kayu...u won't miss it...

    there's quite a few fish farms in pasir ris farmway 2n 3...(irwana,ah beng.....)

    i personally goes to marinelife at hong heong shopping center(near clementi)

    n reborn(Near Boon keng station)..PR is near reborn...

    AA Aquaria Arts also bring brings in nice livestock from time to time too...(kallang)

    J & J Marine Life is currently having a sale but i dun noe where it is...u have check it out at the sponsor's page...

    there r other gd LFS n i'm sure other reefers will tell u more abt them...

    thank you so much,:thanks: will go down to check this weekend. :P

  3. friend...ur ane is dying...i once read some doc that if ur ane 'closed' or strink (like urs or even worst...ur water perimeter might hve problem..i've tried many ane but nvr hve them pass 1yr...sad...

    :whistle maybe ur ane choke!! :whistle  just joking...

    hahaha... choke !

    serious ah, then i have to take it out soon lo...sigh.

    let me show u the before photo... it was SO pretty.. ahah


  4. Halo all,

    i've just started the tank few months ago, still trying to top up the live stock in the tank.

    Trying to get more places for shopping, i got only 2 shops for shopping so far.

    any shops to recommend ?

    I saw few "AM, LF..." but no idea where is it... can share?

    Gam sia..

  5. This is my 3rd anemone, the previous 2 stuck at the filter. sigh.

    and this 3nd anemone doesnt looks good these days. dunno what to do ...

    trying to feed with brine shrimp but it doesnt take, keep throwing out.

    also tried to add the green green thing.(phytoplankton)

    Now the anemone looks like died...i think still alive la. coz still stick on the rock.

    and it doesnt looks like bubble anemone anymore. all the bubble become shorter and shorter.. some almost flat ..Omg..

    One of the tomato was found died in the anemone's mouth... can you believe it ? :sick:


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